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onkel_hans June 16 2013, 13:31:26 UTC
The "man" holiday is a fest of the male pig chauvinism. When the "women's day", 8th of March was made an off-work day, the Politbureau felt that it should grant the same status to the males. Anyway, in both of these days nobody worked, there took place a kind of drunk strikes in all factories and kolkozes.


peacetraveler22 June 16 2013, 16:21:27 UTC
You confuse me with your Bill Murray avatar. I'm used to the ones with the silly poses. "Fest of the male pig chauvinism." :)) In the States we don't officially recognize Intl Women's Day.


onkel_hans June 16 2013, 17:24:52 UTC
Intl Women's Day is recognized at the UN in NY City. I was amazed when I first attended the meeting. Intl Women's Day is not a holiday to observe, it is really the day for women's rights. The day for fight.

In the Evil Empire it all was perverted. They maximally suppressed all the rights of all the communities: women, workers, unions, artists, etc. And created impression of these rights flourishing.

Same with the Intl Women's Day. They perverted it in a gender holiday when male chauvinist pigs suddenly recognized the presence of women and gave them flowers an perfumes. After which they all engaged in the booze consumption. The Intl Women's Day is a shame for women.

Bill Murray is close to me in that movie "Lost in Translation". Very much like myself.
Lately, I bought sunglasses and women in the subway started to pick me with "Hello Jack".

... )


peacetraveler22 June 16 2013, 17:32:28 UTC
Well it's not chauvinism to buy women flowers. Even I like that. :)) Now I know the interesting origin of your avatar. I've never seen the movie Lost in Translation. Will be sure to watch.


onkel_hans June 16 2013, 17:48:43 UTC
There are different ways to give flowers. The 8th of March way is insulting. It is nothing to celebrate for the males. It is to be sorry for them for all the swinery they have been doing upon women. (I have nothing against pigs, I am as Jewish as the Pope of Rome, and even like pork)

I, on this day, kneel before the women and beg their pardon. The flowers may follow or not.

"Lost in Translation" is a very impressive thing of art. Worth watching.


Another Newsflash from Russian "Parliament" onkel_hans June 16 2013, 17:32:05 UTC
The Russian "Parliament" is preparing to ban the oral sex and the cherries.

I do not quite understand the latter. Would they operate newborn baby girls?


Re: Another Newsflash from Russian "Parliament" peacetraveler22 June 16 2013, 17:45:21 UTC
This must be one of your crazy jokes? If not, I want proof!!


Re: Another Newsflash from Russian "Parliament" onkel_hans June 16 2013, 17:52:46 UTC
Je vous en prie:

Re oral sex, I recall there are some non-effective laws on this even in some states here?


Re: Another Newsflash from Russian "Parliament" peacetraveler22 June 16 2013, 19:08:25 UTC
Hmm, well as my friend always says "Это Россия!" I know your views are non-canonical. Mine also.


Re: Another Newsflash from Russian "Parliament" onkel_hans June 16 2013, 17:58:17 UTC
My jokes may only seem crazy. Simply my view of the world is non-canonical.


qi_tronic June 16 2013, 19:39:20 UTC
The "man" holiday is a fest of the male pig chauvinism.

First, 23th of February is Soviet Army Day not just "man day".
It commemorates the foundation of Red Army in 1918 and the role of men as soldiers and guardians of the motherland.
As Wikipedia tells me women soldiers and veterans are praised too.

Second, during "Politbureau" times it was _not_ an off-work day.
It has become such only in 2002.

Third, there is nothing chauvinistic to celebrate the traditional roles of men and women.
Without such opposite poles as men and women there will be no such attraction as love.

I think that with all that crap that is going on soon it will be not politically correct to celebrate Mother's and Father's days in America because the considerable percentage of children will have only "Parent No 1" and "Parent No 2" :))


onkel_hans June 16 2013, 21:05:18 UTC
The Soviet and the Red Army are not the defenders of "the motherland" and Russia. They are the worst enemies of these. The Red Army crashed Russia ( ... )


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