I'm now recovering from a busy and delightful Christmas weekend. Many days off, too much food, sweets, laziness and relaxation. My favorite ornament in this photo was placed on the freshly cut tree, as in past years. And I can say that as I age many things in life become very routine and traditional, especially at times like Christmas. All of this is comforting, to know that you will be surrounded by loved ones, properly cared for and supported in life. Yet there is always something more to strive for on a personal level, new places to explore, ideas to pursue and people to embrace. At the same time, we must learn to cut off toxic humans in our circles, and I've become quite good at this in recent years.
I want to thank all of you who sent me wonderful Christmas messages, and I return best wishes for you as the main holiday has not yet occurred in your region of the world. Recently I was chatting with a reader and discussing some uncertainty about life, about the future...he suggested that I'm having a mid-life crisis, but I vetoed this notion. The truth is that I've always been the type of person to question things, and wonder what my purpose is.
I'm already on my fourth career in life, now ready for the fifth, though not sure what it will be. All of these existential questions were present even in my 20's, but my reader highlighted a significant point - "The difference is that in your 20's you feel like you have an endless life, but in your 40's you understand that you actually have already lived HALF your life..." It is true, of course, but I want to say that when I look back on all of my years, I am quite pleased. There have been so many experiences, I've helped a lot of people in my legal career, and really not had to struggle much. For all of these things, I'm eternally grateful.
As we enter 2017, I want to say that even my optimistic outlook on life has dimmed a bit. I do not look forward to our upcoming inauguration, or new leader. In January, when Donald Trump is sworn in, I will feel a real pit in my stomach, concerned that the country is heading in a very, very wrong direction. I don't want to live in a nation with walls, for this can bring no good. An open mind, curiosity about different cultures and people - all of these things are what first led me to Russia and brought me in contact with many of you. We cannot focus on all the things divide, instead there should be a global strive to unite.
The world is big, beautiful, it is full of kindness that we never hear about. I have seen it everywhere in my travels, and we must gravitate toward this light. It is my hope for all in 2017. Happy holidays to you, and best wishes for the New Year! How will you celebrate?
P.S.: I am writing on LJ less and less, but post frequent updates, thoughts and photos on Facebook and Instagram. You can find me
here and
here. :)