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Comments 49

vitsky December 22 2016, 14:24:48 UTC
Write something about Trump. Will he make America great again?


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 14:27:41 UTC
Politics is not an area of interest for me, and rarely provides any interesting or insightful discussions. Rather, it invites trolls, and war game in comments. But, of course, I don't believe he will make America great again, nor do I agree with most of his policies. A vile human in my view, and I'm ashamed that a man of this character will now lead my country. Depressing overall...


theodorexxx December 23 2016, 17:54:36 UTC
White Power


onkel_hans December 22 2016, 14:26:23 UTC
Did you see "The Leftovers" show ?

There 5% of population randomly disappeared. The leftovers stayed stunned and wondering ...


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 14:29:30 UTC
No, I haven't seen or even heard of it, but the premise sounds quite intriguing. :) Maybe I will watch over the long holiday break. I have HBO. :) Btw, I would not be so disappointed if certain segments of the population "randomly disappeared"...the world would be a better place thereafter.


onkel_hans December 22 2016, 16:06:30 UTC
Random does not serve your purpose. You mean focused disappearance!
That show is on ABC. It's totally absurdist and this year the third season is expected.

BTW, do you know the SCANDAL show? It's about a black girl lawyer who is a trouble shooter killer for POTUS.
There is a lot of election rigging, several love triangles, several gay affairs, clandestine security operations, and more.
You might enjoy it being a lawyer!

And now we have not a POTUS but simply POTS! :(


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 23:53:29 UTC
Sure, I know Scandal. The lead actress is stunning - Kerry Washington. And this will be the most unusual inaugural ceremony in U.S. history. Thankfully I will be out of the city on this day. Usually my law firm and others in DC have a huge event, party, invites for clients, but this year there is absolutely no demand for it. We live in a very liberal town, and I have no idea who is going to show up to cheer this fool on into the oval office. :((


sun_jr December 22 2016, 14:58:04 UTC
What are your favorite Christmas movies? Are you gonna binge-watching them?


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 15:04:50 UTC
For comedies, I like the old school film "A Christmas Story" and the more recent film "Elf." But my absolute favorite Christmas movie is "Love Actually." I watch it every year. :) Beautiful movie, with lots of laughs, believable romance (not the cheesy kind I hate), and overall feel good vibes. Warms the soul!


sun_jr December 22 2016, 15:26:43 UTC
Good movies! However I never perceived "Love actually" as Christmas movie. :) Rather for me "Die Hard" is Christmas one.


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 15:29:59 UTC
Yeah, it's really interesting for me to discover that Russians know this film Die Hard so well, and Home Alone. :)) I'm not such a fan of action movies.


mb_b December 22 2016, 15:00:06 UTC
Nothing wrong with being absent for a while. (With my own journal, I add perhaps a couple entries in a year and call it an achievement... the next one is just about due, the annual backpacking trip -- this time in the N.Cascades, WA).
I assume you're celebrating X-mas with your family. What about the next long weekend? Unlike us Russians you're not so big on the New Year. May I suggest... one of these weekends, you could take a car trip over the Blue Ridge (or rather Skyline Drive) -- assuming the road is not closed, the winter views should be spectacular!
All the best in the coming year!


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 15:08:02 UTC
Sure, I'll celebrate Christmas with my huge family. Our celebrations already started, as we had a big brunch with tons of relatives on Sunday, tomorrow my dad's family comes for a gift exchange, and I will open gifts and have a nice time and meal with my immediate family (parents, sister, nephew) on Christmas morning.

I would not say that Americans don't celebrate New Year's. Many people go to parties, have gatherings, etc., but I never really cared much about this event, or the transition to a new year. It is just another day for me. :)) Most of my family will be gone this year, so probably I will be asleep at midnight, as I don't like large crowds, or noisy/drunken parties that my friends have invited me too. A drive in the Blue Ridge mountains sounds good...will try to make it happen sometime soon. :)) Happy Holidays to you also!


onkel_hans December 22 2016, 16:14:29 UTC
The most impressive Christmas story for me is Frederick Forsyth's "The Shepherd".
It's about a NATO fighter pilot who while patrolling over Germany on Christmas night has a malfunction in his plane, gets lost and is short on fuel. Suddenly he sees a WW2 era aircraft who shepherds him to an abandoned airfield in East England. On safely landing the old attendant says there never has been any shepherd plane around. A mystical miracle ...
The story may be listened to on YOUTUBE.


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 23:08:10 UTC
Thanks for the recommendation. :) Do you stay in Massachusetts for the holidays? No chance for a white Christmas here in VA. :(


moskitow December 22 2016, 16:38:00 UTC
My favorite Christmas movie is "Scrooged" with Bill Murray. I love Christmas and New Years. Don't like this new "happy holidays" political correct things. Call it Christmas, who cares :) It's about presents and getting together with your family more than religion anyway.
I like Russian way of giving presents for New Year and the tree is a Pine tree, not Christmas tree, so everybody can get a present from Father the Frost, no matter if you're Jewish or Muslim, or Buddhist.


peacetraveler22 December 22 2016, 23:12:55 UTC
Bill Murray is awesome! I like his sarcastic style of humor, and he's written some good books also. I love this time of year, with so many warm emotions, magical lights, good food, fellowship... :)) Merry Christmas to you!


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