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qi_tronic January 15 2016, 12:44:44 UTC
Inside the country I feel no crisis.
But of course it has become much more expensive to travel abroad.


peacetraveler22 January 15 2016, 12:45:20 UTC
Well this is good news. :) And, in general, I know you have great faith in the political leadership of your country.


qi_tronic January 15 2016, 12:51:18 UTC
Oil prices are not in Putin's power anyway.
We could have low oil prices without strong leadership or low oil prices with strong leadership.
The latter is better :)

It's a good chance for Russia to start exporting something else, not oil.
BTW I read somewhere that export of software from Russia worth 7 billion dollars while arms export is 15.
I mean, that Russia is not Saudi Arabia or Venecuela and it has a lot of valuable things inside besides oil and gas.


merinainen January 15 2016, 13:12:29 UTC
In whose power are prices? In Obama's?
Obama set up "vertical vlasty"? Obama rejected food products from Europe? Obama did nothing to develop Russian
economy and production rather then oil extraction? Or it should be Erdogan and Poroshenko?
And don't lie that crisis has no effect on our lives over here in Russia!


qi_tronic January 15 2016, 13:21:54 UTC
In whose power are prices? In Obama's?
No, it is global market.

Obama set up "vertical vlasty"?
I remember 90-s with no power.
Now it is much better.

Obama rejected food products from Europe?
This is good thing.
We have absolutely enough everything to produce our own food.

Obama did nothing to develop Russian
economy and production rather then oil extraction?
This is a wrong suggestion.
Read sdelanousnas. ru and you will know what is being produced and built. Believe me, that's a lot.


merinainen January 15 2016, 13:39:17 UTC
1. "it is global market." Other European countries are still thriving (believe me).
2. "I remember 90-s with no power." How long we're going to recall 90-es? That was a period of epoch vicissitude.
3. "everything to produce our own food." Why didn't we produced it when oil price was going through the roof?
4. Why do U lie that everything remains the same? Is Sochy or Crimea holiday similar to that of abroad?


qi_tronic January 15 2016, 13:49:21 UTC
1. Are they oil exporters???

2. I remember Soviet Union as well. And want my country to become powerful again. We probably could not have a leader better than Putin on this way.

3. Read my link about Dutch Dicease above. It has all the answers. Short answer: our currency was too high for our ecomony.

4. "Is Sochy or Crimea holiday similar to that of abroad?" I told in my first comment that now it's haders to travel abroad. You don't read but rush to argue.
Everything else is the same FOR ME.


merinainen January 15 2016, 13:56:12 UTC
For me the main thing is not the power of the country (=state,= government), but each single person prosperity and possibility to make there own choice . That means we'll never come to terms with each other. So let us stop this fruitless discussion!


lev_kuzminsky February 3 2016, 15:16:51 UTC
And want my country to become powerful again.

And I want my country to be happy! ;)


andrey_kaminsky January 15 2016, 13:54:53 UTC
Нет смысла спорить с ним, только если ради веселья:) Его "убеждения" оплачены и поэтому незыблемы


merinainen January 15 2016, 13:59:19 UTC
Да я просто ради разминки. Давно ничего не писала по английски, в основном на финском. Стала спеллинг забывать:) А так бы не стала с чмошником разговаривать.


andrey_kaminsky January 15 2016, 14:07:18 UTC
Не, так он парень талантливый, на голову выше многих прочих троллей, мне он нравится:) Но последнее время чё-то испортился он. Приуныл или душевный кризис какой. Оправится - любо-дорого почитать будет молодчика!


merinainen January 15 2016, 14:36:26 UTC
Кризис, кризис. Он на всех действует. Наверняка денег не хватает.


andrey_kaminsky January 15 2016, 16:49:16 UTC
Да. Это прям сюжет для острого психологического романа: чувак должен восхвалять Вождя по работе, восхваляет в три аКкаунта, но в реале ощущает, что не на что купить зимние шины и ламинат. И вот он восхваляет Плешивца, но сам мечтает, как бы нахлобучить Лидера пачкой ламината по башке.


ext_2555767 January 15 2016, 16:47:42 UTC

Another immigrant's moarning to justify immigration.


merinainen January 15 2016, 17:29:47 UTC
Who is immigrant?


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