Злобные Русские Птицы!

Sep 18, 2015 10:58

In the middle of a grey, depressing village on the River Volga, I found myself reliving a scene from the classic Alfred Hitchcock film "The Birds." Do you remember it? I stood alone in a deserted town square, trying to photograph a decaying old church, when I was suddenly attacked by a flock of angry Russian birds!! It was so unexpected that I began to scream out of shock, even though I have no fear of birds. Of course, my travel companion didn't run to my rescue, but instead snapped a photo from a distance. This is the natural reaction of a top travel blogger. :)

I wonder what made these birds suddenly attack? It was clear I had no food in my hands, only a camera and bag. Perhaps they were just trying to embrace me on a cold day, and warmly welcome an American visitor to their home? :) There's really nothing favorable to say about the town of Yurievets itself, but next week I will share my impressions, which are still fond and memorable. First, because of this strange bird attack, which I will always remember with laughter. Second, because I met two wonderful locals who were very happy to discover a foreign visitor in their midst. They really tried to communicate with me, despite language barriers, and one of them even showered me with gifts. :)

I hope this photo made you smile, and I wish you all a nice weekend! In Washington, DC, we're preparing for the arrival of the Pope next week, when almost all main roads in the city will be shut down for two days. A real nightmare for commuting, but we must live with these inconveniences so the holy and truly religious can live out a life-long dream of seeing the Pope in person, or maybe even being touched by his hands. Btw, if you know interesting facts or information about Yurievets, please share in the comments. There's not much English language information available about this city. In case you have not seen it, here's a classic photo from the Hitchcock film. :)

travel, humor, russia, yurievets, Россия

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