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peacetraveler22 April 6 2015, 15:59:41 UTC
It's especially nice because my work pays for the plane ride and hotel. :)) Otherwise, I wouldn't pick this destination. Too expensive, but very beautiful landscapes there!


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illuminatenorde April 6 2015, 20:37:39 UTC

qi_tronic April 6 2015, 16:00:20 UTC
where the overall vibe and way of life is quite different than East Coast living

And that's the only I know :) (plus short visits to Arizona and Texas)


peacetraveler22 April 6 2015, 16:01:59 UTC
West Coast people are usually more relaxed, Earthy and have better work-life balance. I like it there, but don't like warm weather and all of my family is in Virginia. It's too expensive to fly cross country in the USA - this ticket was almost $600 roundtrip! Good thing I'm not paying for it. :)


Мои поздравления andrey_kaminsky April 7 2015, 07:36:43 UTC
Дружище, ты в теме! Я тут почитывал коменты кое-где и там сразу несколько опытных комментаторов излагали своё видение истории. Хорошо, у меня стул был со спинкой, иначе бы я на пол кувырнулся бы от такого чтения - истинный восторг для ценителя. Суть такова: Крестьяне и рабочие при батюшке царе живут благоденствуя, у них полный ништяк, но коварные враги РФ засылают агентов с мешком денег, они устраивают Майдан под видом революции, ослабляют нашу государственность всячески. Тут бы нам и конец, но великий Сталин мастерски исправил ситуацию, не без массовых казней, конечно, но это того стоило. Вернул народ на путь процватания и прогресса. Далее сам знаешь - опять враги, опять мудрый вождь им противостоит ( ... )


Re: Мои поздравления qi_tronic April 7 2015, 08:14:46 UTC
Почитай вот это.
Уровень жизни рабочих до революции и воспоминания Хрущева.

proza. ru/2009/04/22/16


buddhistmind April 6 2015, 16:04:13 UTC
Wish you an immensely good trip! :]


peacetraveler22 April 6 2015, 16:04:58 UTC
Thanks! I will be happy to go on a road trip again, even if it's a short one. :)


juan April 6 2015, 16:11:46 UTC
You can also go to neighboring Tijuana in Mexico, everything is 10 times cheaper there and it's more fun.


peacetraveler22 April 6 2015, 16:15:13 UTC
I've already been to Tijuana a few times. I'll be traveling alone, and I don't think it's so safe for a female to be wandering around there alone. I may be captured and sold as a sex slave! :)) Main reason to go there is to shop and drink alcohol because it's so cheap! I did this when I was in my 20's. Good times, but I don't drink alcohol when I'm traveling by myself, esp. not in public restaurants.


peacetraveler22 April 6 2015, 16:26:31 UTC
Thank you Nadia! I want to return to the UK, but it's so expensive! :(


notabler April 6 2015, 16:21:03 UTC
I wish you a very nice journey


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