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barabaan March 24 2015, 11:42:11 UTC
I'd like to explain you some things about problems with water and toilet. As you know, Russia - is cold country, and rural houses often are abadonned for winter. If you have in house water closet, shower and water-supply - you have to empty all pipes. Otherwise, the ice will damage pipes seriously .
When I prepare our rural house for winter, it takes about half-hour, and about 5 liters of coolant.
But, if you have no water-supply in home - you just close the door and go away. Ancient, but cheap and easier in maintenance way of living.
And, people in such vilages usually dont have the shower every day. They wash theyselfes in banya every week.
Sorry for grammatical mistakes ;-)


peacetraveler22 March 24 2015, 15:03:32 UTC
There aren't many grammatical mistakes in your comment, so don't worry! :) There are many cold countries on the planet and even States in the USA that have below freezing temperatures in winter, yet they still have plumbing and normal toilets. The climate isn't a good excuse for the lack of plumbing. There is simply no infrastructure in these areas of Russia to support the modern conveniences of life. And there is no one to blame for this except your officials.


The climate is a shitty excuse montrealex March 24 2015, 16:20:22 UTC
But the last refuge of scoundrels ("pedriots").
When you tell them that event in most remote parts of Canada, for instance, there is always running water and a warm bathroom, they say something like: "Well, there were no two wars and revolutions in Canada.".
OK, you reply: "There were two wars and almost a revolution and a real civil war in Finnland, trillions of marks worth of goods were seized by Soviets from Finns, and a huge contribution was imposed on the country and yet Finns have running water etc.."
Do you think it stops them?
Nope. They always find to tell something else to justify.


Re: The climate is a shitty excuse peacetraveler22 March 24 2015, 17:07:46 UTC
A lot of Russians blame the climate for every bad thing in the country. :) It's a defense mechanism, but not a logical one.


barabaan March 24 2015, 18:49:13 UTC
Very polite, thank you. You and my english ex-teacher are good examples that americans arent stupid bastards who want to destroy our empire. Right in time, yep.
Btw, when you live in such conditions, I mean without watercolset etc, you get used to such living very fast. Its like eating worms during the surviving in amasonian selva ;-)


dn54 March 26 2015, 22:43:37 UTC
>And there is no one to blame for this except your officials.

Not exactly. Lots of people who was born in such villages see no problem in absence of warm toilets and hot water. It's just OK for them and they don't demand such infrastructure for themselves. And ones who do - they just move to a nearest city(or)town.


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