I believe in the power of guitar and drum...

Oct 05, 2005 11:48

Okay, first of all. You all need to go out and listen to/buy/steal/download Guitar and Drum by Stuff Little Fingers. Ask me and I'll even send you a copy. You'll be very happy you did, and maybe you'll slap me on the back.

On to different things. Things are better in the whole drama dept. Things are progressing nice and slow. The friendship probably won't ever be the same, but who's to say that when something is different that its worse? Thats the hope I'm holding onto inside.

Went and saw Serenity sunday. That was a great movie. Nothing like cowboys in space. Not to be confused with Space Cowboys which wasn't that great at all. Also, Dan-a-polooza is next week. Nothing like getting all dressed up and then having some drinks. Then things get hectic. Hep hep hep! You'll see me there, in the sweet suit with the checkers. And i'll probably be on the floor in the corner.
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