"In case you're wondering, I'm singing about growing up and giving in"

Nov 11, 2007 20:04

Month after month flies by and I have trouble updating this damn thing. My tragic flaw is an odd cocktail of self-absorption and embarrassment over my self-absorption- which leaves me with so much to say that I feel like a prisoner of my own mind and the realization that no one could possibly care as much about what I have to say as myself.

I wish I could care as much about things that actually mattered to my future (i.e. applying to grad school) as things that really don’t (girls).  But I can already see the glazed-over eyes of everyone who is kind enough to read this in the initial symptom of dying of boredom.

So when we last left “our hero” (that’d be me!), he was freaked out about taking the GRE and his future and disappointed about his latest strikeout with girls. Not much has changed really, I guess.  My weekends have been a mix of more exciting and adventurous and simultaneously less productive, more lazy and boring (think going to bed at 4 or 5, getting up after noon).

Alright, I’m going to switch things up a bit for this entry. I’m going to have a long, clunky few paragraph summary of the last month- but I’m going to put the lengthier cut where I expose all my vulnerabilities, long-winded rants and hopes and dreams in an entirely separate entry. Those of you who are not satisfied by the paragraphs below and can’t be bothered to read behind a cut of brain hemorrhage-inducing length can feel free to just call me. If you really want to call me, you probably have my number. I’ll try to pick up, I’m usually lonely and bored. So here’s the summary:

Took my GREs- did OK, very well on the verbal and writing- atrocious on the math; not good enough to do me many favors, but not bad enough to ruin my chances at schools. Having a lot of trouble applying for schools, particularly in bothering to write an essay or wrangle recommendation letters out of people.

Signed up for OK Cupid, like the site but not too much success- one pretty promising girl, talked to her on the phone- jury’s still out. Found out most of the story about the girl who I’ve mentioned in my last few entries (the one who I liked and liked me, then disappeared and re-emerged with a boyfriend)- we’ve talked a lot, things are OK, it looks like we’re genuinely going to be good friends and I’ve moved on to a reasonable degree- pretty bittersweet, but it is what it is. I feel like I’ve talked enough people’s ears off about it and tortured myself enough about it to mostly have gotten those feelings out of my system.

Saw a Fire playoff game against DC United, didn’t sit in Section 8 which was odd- but the Eastern European guy next to me kept me entertained and the Fire won 1-0. Saw the Lawrence Arms/American Steel/The Falcon and Sundowner with Kerry (old middle school friend) at the Metro which was a lot of fun- I love going to shows with her, her passion and singing along with every word (Lawrence Arms are her favorite band) was contagious.

Watched Lauren at the disastrous Chicago Marathon (cancelled midway through because of the heat and insufficient water supply) and ran (very poorly) in a race myself- a two-mile memorial race for an old Cross Country teammate’s Mom- my race seemed a lot shittier than my mediocre 14:47 time (it felt more like 16+ minutes), but considering I hadn’t run in 3 months before it I can’t complain- it was nice catching up with a lot of old high school teammates.

Went to Sara’s Halloween party in the South Loop dressed and in the persona of a sleazy, Right-wing hedgefund manager businessman- I had to admit I enjoyed playing the part of a dick- but I broke out of character long enough for people not to hate me (I had a lot of fun with a girl dressed as Amy Winehouse telling her she was the best person ever because she made lots of money and did lots of coke). I showed up in character for work on Halloween, but dropped the sex and drug references so as not to cause a stir.

Saw Hold Steady and Art Brut at the Metro- Art Brut were just as fun as I remembered- great music and a great sense of humor. Saw Spitalfield’s last DuPage County show on Friday night and it’s just beginning to sink in. What do I say about a band that I’ve seen live (literally) dozens of times over the past 7 years? It was nice to see some of the old kids (hey,
callmejonathan) and hear a few (but not many) old songs. I brought Kerry along to this one, kind of my version of Lawrence Arms, I guess. I lost money at the casino (following a win-loss-win-loss pattern, apparently) and had a generally fun, but semi-frustrating weekend with my sister last weekend (2nd-4th).

Oh yeah and I’m going to England on Friday!!!   Here’s my itinerary:  Sat Nov 17- Mon Nov 19: London (staying with
not_on_fire),   Mon Nov 19- Weds Nov 21: Leeds and York ,   Weds Nov 21-Fri Nov 23: Liverpool,   Fri Nov 23- Sun Nov 25:  London (staying with Brendan C.).

PS Happy 29th Anniversary to my Mom and Dad. You have them to indirectly curse (or thank) for wasting your time reading this shit. 
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