Someone asked what they should use to link to me earlier and I realized my only affiliate button is a little outdated. So I went and made some more.
These are all crops of icons I've made and posted so if you want one as an icon,
check the memories. If for some reason it's not there, let me know and I'll try to fix it.
I am taking affiliates, but you need a 100x50 button and a community that's related to Disney and/or graphics/icons in some way. I may make an affiliate page and link it on my userinfo in the future, as my info page is getting a bit crowded. To affiliate either comment to this post (and only this post, comments on other posts won't count), or email me at peacefully at livejournal dot com. You can also use these if you just want to link to me, even if you don't want to affiliate.
These are hosted at imageshack, so you can hotlink if you want, but sometimes imageshack has removed images on me. Just so you know.
There's a new layout. The last one was Christmassy so I switched it to... well, another seasonal one. hehe.
I'm really not sure when the next set will be, but hopefully soon. I've been busy with the holidays and my daughters birthday etc. Plus I could be getting a job soon. But I'll try to work on another set when I have time. :)