why am i so Verbose?!? :( ... Can Anyone Understand this?... is it... . annoyingly hard?

Jan 16, 2005 22:20

So the question again is: In terms of this life on earth, which of the two persons in the interaction, A or B, is more damaged by that interaction. That is, who will suffer the greater losses?

The interaction..

well, if you envision this scene of Person A and Person B's life in actions, ... and deem activity as Good, as colorful and life-giving then, i would say that person A has lost more in life than person B from this situation.

This considers that person B does not harbor bitterness and become a sesspool of darkened inactivity...

Person A ... hurts Person B.... and doesnt not care.; Person A does a wrong unto Person B, ... and contributes to a self-callousness with not caring about Person B, or the wrong othat has been done. The callous blocks some, (or all... i dont know), of Person A's inate goodness, and... detributes from the Twinkeling color of Earth.
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