Apr 02, 2006 12:57
So out of 104 schools, durfees numero 3. ^___^ Yeah, we're awesome like that. I loved the festival so much, i love boston. Its so.. diverse.. So cultivated.. So.. amazing. As you can tell, i really dont get out that much. I've lived in Fall River my whole life and i never go on any vacations. This was the first time ive actually walked around boston.. pathetic huh? Yeah, i know. There are so many things to see and do, though i didnt get to do anything.. i still liked walking around. So many attractive people too... o.o;
So other than that experience, the festival was awesome. Some of the schools were really talented. I personally liked Der waffle haus, ergo leggo my ego by wellesley, the raft of medusa by westford, tales of trickery ["the names... massaaaaaaaah"] by framingham, and cut by hingham. It was all so great.
I <3 theatre. :)