The Lone Carrot.

Oct 12, 2005 21:25

This is some pure lunch time inspiration here folks. I was looking around and a girl with the cafeteria soup sat near me. On the styrofoam tray.. lay a single carrot chunk. This is his story.

The Lone Carrot.

Carrot POV:

I sit here.. on this styrofoam lunch tray, alone. Its getting kind of chilly. I was damned here by the wretched Spork, separated from my noodle friends and broth home. I'm not even near the Crackers twins! Its getting colder.. I remembered how i got chopped up, loosing all my siblings so long ago. How painful that was, but nothing compared to this. This pure and utter loneliness.

Oh! Spork is hovering over me! Is it my time to be devoured? No.. It goes to the soup bowl again. The human eating us all is done now, it talks with other humans. My friends and home have been destroyed. But i suppose millions do each year. This ... vicious feast happens 4 times daily! So many of us killed. I've been lucky enough to last this long.. Noone really likes Soup that much. But it was my time today.

Everyone's gone. Dead. I am the lone carrot left. I... guess i was sparred and left here to protect the Cracker twins... Maybe.. everyone else like us. Im sure there are other survivors.. On other styrofoam trays.. I shall travel these foamy worlds to find others! Who knows! I might find one of my brothers! Yes! I will save them all!

What?? No! Not now! Not the Trash barrel! Anything but there! You cant! Nooooooooo!

-A small brunette girl tossed the remaining food in a trashbin that was being walked around. -plop-


Now... Even though that seemed like the end of our heroic character.. You can still hear him today. The lone carrot. Just listen during lunch.. You'll hear him..

[Lone Carrot theme- Lone carrot, dandadadedan
Looone carrot, Lone carrot, LONE CARROT
Loooone Carrot

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