
Jan 25, 2006 11:17

Its funny how much of a waste of time Live Journal is for me. I've been keeping this for x amount of months and i haven't even said anything about me or for that matter who I am.

I am different from anyone you will ever meet in your life. Its not a joke, its not an overstatement. Its just true. There has always been something separating me from everyone else. I have no idea what it is. But there always has been. I cannot remember a time in which I was part of a group, a friend group, a clique. whatever. I've always been an outsider, whereever I go. Its not something I try for; it just happens whereever.

I am the most independent person you will meet in your entire life.
in*de*pen*dent adj 1 : SELF-GOVERNING; also : not affiliated with a larger controlling unit 2 : not requiring or relying on something else or somebody else ,< ~ of her parents> 3 : not easily influenced : showing self-reliance and personal freedom 4 : not committed to a political party 5 : MAIN < an ~ clause> -- independent n -- in*de*pen*dent*ly adv

That is what i am. The world decided that I should be this way. I can't follow anyone, ever. I think this is one of the reasons I am so independent. No matter what you would like to think.. all of your little friend groups have leaders and followers. It is just the way it is. Now, I'm no leader. For one cannot be a leader without any followers.

I have myself only partially figured out. Its the hardest to analyze onesself. If you have figured me out.. please share. I'd be lovely to hear.

I'm a philosopher. I analyze everything around me and have insight that the average person does not have. I'm not a genious. I just am different.

phi*los*o*pher n 1 : a reflective thinker : SCHOLAR 2 : a student of or specialist in philosophy 3 : a person whose philosophical perspective makes it possible to meet trouble calmly

I have analyzed all of you. And yes you are all figured out. Like it or not.

No matter what I will always be this way. I am not quite sure why almost all of my friendships have had a downfall. It is interesting though. Obviously I do something wrong .. or do i?

But just because I am this way doesn't mean it does not hurt. Because this is one of the hardest personalities to have. It is hurtful to anyhuman being being left out and people always putting their groups before you. Although I can heal from emotional hurt; doesn't mean I enjoy it.

There is another major aspect of myself. From the time I was young I realized that I have to change the world in someway. I knew I'd do something important. I still haven't done anything important. I would like to soon. I need to. For whats the point of living if you have no achieved. Now achieving isn't being number one in one's class, or being the most popular. Achieving is being the only person to do something and making a different. Your brainpower does not help one hundred years from now, its what you've done.

I am the most independent person you'll ever meet. And I am going to change the world even if I die trying. And I wouldn't want it anyother way.

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