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Jul 27, 2006 13:12

Zdoroff, stosi!!!!


vse segodnia svalivaem iz Budi, skolko mozhno!!!
Jedem v Zagreb, a ot tuda v Veneziju!! A kak mozhno tuda ne poehat, esli mi polu4ili vot takoe pismo ot tuda:

"Dear brothers,
I' ve already a guest on 28th and 29th, and the only chance that I could host 2 or more guests in the same date, is that they are cool and easy-going to wrestl each other, in a funny home-wrestling game that I like organizing only in circumstances like this.
Nothing rude or painful, just something funny and friendly, out of the ordinary couples of beers at the pub that EVERYBODY can offer you during your stay. I' m a wrestler,at all, but I don' t wrestl you, just between my guests only, and if you read my comments,they' ve been all very happy. A nice memory of your stay to Massimo Bellemo :-)
Your possible "opponent" is a 22 y.o.guy from US, already agree to wrestl.
If you shouldn' t agree, I' ll have to accept someone else of the other requests I will receive tomorrow or friday.
Also, if interested, on friday I' ll be off-working, so that, my guest and me will go to the beach in the afternoon and spending night drinking in good places of Venice.
Here is my mobile-phone: 347 3010056 from any public phone. We could pick you up around 14:00 outside MESTRE Train Station or somewhere in Venice,at the evening, if you shouldn' t arrive in time.
If you should be up x wrestling, let me also know about your weight-class, in order to compare you with american opponent.
Waiting x your reply QUICKLY, cause I' ve really others people asking, but I gave you the precedence,cause you had contacted me earlier.


oboltet!!! poedem vka4ivat sipi amerikancu!!!!=)))))
vot, a tak vsio u nas po-visshemu klassu!!!
A few minutes ago, v poiskah sigaret, v jashike, mi natknulis na gandzhubas!!!!=)))) ho-ho-ho!!!
Kone4no, mimo takoj nahodki mimo projti mi ne smogli!!! otlomali sebe kuso4ek, 4isto dlia orientirovki po Zagrebu, a to tam u nas vpiski netu!!!
Koro4e govoria, s kazhdim dnem ubezhdaemsia, 4to 4iksa, kotoraja nas priniala - nahodka dlia turista!!! Sami posudite, na detskih fotkah ona zanimaetsia baletom, zakon4ila, kak eto nazivaetsia, dizajn sadov i klumb, 4to li!!=)))) sej4as ni4em ne zanimaetsia, hodit na tusovki s elektronikoj i vozvrawaetsia pod utro, pjaniuwaja i s gandzubasom!!!=))))
eh, zhal, mi v4era 4utok podustali i s nej ne poshli, eh!!! nabili bi sebe polnie karmani...=))))
Da, a gorod po-tihonku na4al otdovat dolg - v4era vitawili iz shop'a kakoj-to drebedeni, tipa, sprite, tic-tac i ewe 4ego-to tam!!!=)))))
klassnij gorod, pokidat zhalko, no doroga zovet!!!!=)))))

a esli o sebe (poka bruda mo4et pashu v dushe) to po utram, a inogda i po ve4eram, hrenovit menia normalno, vrode pristupov nostalgii ispitivaju, blia!! vspominaju vsiakoe iz proshloj zhizni...obdumivaju dela davno minuvshih dnej, i kidanija starini glubokoj....aj... da nu vsio v sipu,nah....

Ladno, pojdu smativat udo4ki, gnat Andre iz dusha i v put... zavtra zhdet home wrestling!!!!=)))))


nu zdrastvujte Milije moi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oj Budast,budapest....................
krasivij zaraza,v pervij den bilo slozno s orentirovkoj, no potom mi bisrenko vo vsem razobralis,i hodili kuda hoteli..........
zarko zdes,no zato holodnuju vodu razdajut besplatno(v pol litrovih mesochkah)cem mi i vospolzovalis.nabrali ih .............mnogo,i nacili vojnu s drug drugom.konecno prohozije bolse postradali cem mi,no nikto pretenzij ne imel..
potom vziali po butilocki VINA i napravilis k fontanu (u kotorogo vsegda bilo mnogo molodezi)posle togo kak mi vipili po pol butilki,mi nacali gromko i krasivo pet ruskije pesenki........minut cerez piat k nam podsel ohranik(kak ja ponial eto bila nasa licnoja ohrana. Vino koncilos i mi otpravilis jesio za odnoj butilkoj(za odno i pokusat kupili,1kg sosisek,vernulis k fontanu,pomqahali rukoj ohraniku(mol,mi uze zdes,idi k nam).Sosisek bilo tak mnogo cto mi nacali vsem podriad predlagat...........nikto ne bral........

posle sosisek posli na SKA tusovku.v reklamke bilo napisano cto nacalo v 21.00 huj tam,nacalos vse v 23.00 oh i popliasali mi................

napisal bi bolse no pora bezat...pojezd cerez cas

Mark i Andre:
Vse, rebia, poneslis na vokzal!!!
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