Mar 13, 2007 12:12
A few days ago I went down to Marin to watch 300 with Seth, Conor, Chris, Sean S, and Sean H. The movie itself was okay, but what made the night great was seeing my friend again. I didn't talk much, which maybe made them thing I wasn't having a good time, but honestly I hadn't felt as content as I was hanging out with them in a long time. The fact that I can go weeks, even months, without seeing some of the people I used to see on a daily basis and then jump back into casual conversation and laughing at the same jokes I always have when I see them...I can't really describe how it feels. For example, I don't see Jason Rudy that much anymore. Maybe once a month. Maybe longer than that. However, when I do see him it's like we were hanging out a day or two ago. As far as I can figure that is the greatest sign of friendship, and I cannot begin to express how glad I am to have such friggin awesome friends. All of them. You all rock so hard.