Mar 18, 2004 22:17
TracyLuvsPugs: i was just wondering...why do u ignore me at work?
PeaceLuv4evr: What do you mean?
TracyLuvsPugs: u talk to everyone else but me or kalan, u hardly even look at us, it is disgusting
PeaceLuv4evr: Why does it matter?
TracyLuvsPugs: i just thought u could at least be civil with us in a work setting
PeaceLuv4evr: I am being civil
PeaceLuv4evr: besides the fact that, that statement is completely hypocritical
TracyLuvsPugs: we have been completely nice to you and we try to talk to u like a coworker, and we get bitchyness in return
PeaceLuv4evr: uh huh
PeaceLuv4evr: you must think I'm an idiot
PeaceLuv4evr: I know what you three (Melissa too) have said about me behind my back
PeaceLuv4evr: I just don't see any point...if I need to talk to you I will
TracyLuvsPugs: i know what u have said about me behind my back
PeaceLuv4evr: What have I said
TracyLuvsPugs: well what have we said?
PeaceLuv4evr: exactly, I haven't said anything about you or Kalen
TracyLuvsPugs: well i have heard different
PeaceLuv4evr: from who?
TracyLuvsPugs: everyone that works with you
PeaceLuv4evr: okay, and what have they said?
TracyLuvsPugs: why should i tell u
PeaceLuv4evr: cuz I think you're lying
TracyLuvsPugs: well what have we said about u behind your back?
PeaceLuv4evr: you know what you have said
PeaceLuv4evr: let's see...controlling, manipulative, that I told Kalen he had to choose between us, among other things
PeaceLuv4evr: by the way...all is bullshit
TracyLuvsPugs: it's all true
PeaceLuv4evr: uh huh, what have I said?
TracyLuvsPugs: well nevermind, this is stupid, i was just hoping that you could stop being such a bitch to kalan and i while at work, cuz we are in no way bitches to you
PeaceLuv4evr: thank you for proving my point
TracyLuvsPugs: what point are u proving?
PeaceLuv4evr: that I haven't said anything about you
TracyLuvsPugs: hello...both amanda and lynn know what is going on and i or kalan never talk to them
TracyLuvsPugs: so it has to be from u
PeaceLuv4evr: What are you talking about
TracyLuvsPugs: anyways, it sucks that u are a bitch to us when we just try to be civil coworkers with you
PeaceLuv4evr: and you consider being civil, talking behind my back
TracyLuvsPugs: at work u try so hard not to look at us and not be near us
PeaceLuv4evr: not really
PeaceLuv4evr: it's actually quite easy not to look or be near you, not Kalen you
PeaceLuv4evr: I don't give a shit about you, not one little bit...yeah I think it sucks you put Kalen in such a situation he had to lose our friendship but oh well, I didn't lose anything
PeaceLuv4evr: And what do you think Amanda and Lynn know??
TracyLuvsPugs: fuck you dumb ho
TracyLuvsPugs signed off at 9:30:37 PM.
Long story before this conversation. oo but I got even. HAHAHAHHAHA