Mar 01, 2007 19:18
i fell asleep dreading when i'd wake up because i'd have to start my paper on astrophotography, the art of photographing the night sky.
i dreamt that me and someone else flew away from earth and over jupiter. it was a huuuugggeee planet of rolling green hills with tall grass that swayed in the wind and spots of yellow flowers. we flew over the hills and they moved up and down just below us, churning like waves in the sea. when we landed, the grass melted into water and we were drfting in the ocean. there was a big tv floating about 50 yards away, but all we saw was the silhouette. i saw people's silhouettes crawl onto it like a mountain. they stood on the top with one hand to their forehead, blocking any glare, and the other hand pionting towards the setting sun. i notice the camera around my neck and take their picture.
then the people turn around and get down on their hands and knees. they peer over the edge of the tv, into the sea. the illusion of water all around us flickers, occasionally replaced by the image of rolling hills. The two become one. blades of grass rising above our heads and drenching our hair with the smell of spring. something bumps into the bottom of our boat and i look into the water. except i'm looking down into forest, the little boat has become a ship, and we're drifting in the clouds. humpback whales swim through the air, weaving in and out of the trees below us. they rush up to meet us and jump over our heads, crashing back into the sea of water, grass, and clouds. i take pictures of them, thinking that no one on earth has or ever will witness this in real life. i wake up and the dream slips away, but the images are still burned into the back of my eyelids.