The story starts a couple weeks ago, where the Lush store threw a sample of Smitten hand cream in my bag, and it was so awesome that last night, I went back to buy the full container. (i recommend it.)
I cannot go to a mall without stopping into the bookstore. I was thinking about buying Twilight just to read it (because, once upon a time, I had the same THIS BOOK MUST BE CRAP!!!! reaction to Harry Potter) but the cover turned me off. Yeah, I know, don't judge a book by its cover, but when the cover says 'I know Edward is a vampire and he WANTS MAI BLOODZ but i LUVS HIM SO OOWEEOOEOOOOWEEEEEE! then I have to roll my eyes and put the book on the shelf. I don't care if Robert Pattinson is gorgeous even with his huge head -- well, yes I do. I will probably see the movie, but I think the book would be a waste of several hours of my life. One day I will give it the chance that it may or may not deserve.
ALSO not the point.
As I dejectedly turned from the huge-ass Twilight display, what did catch my eye but a gorgeous Spinosaurus staring at me from the cover of an enormous coffee table book - which is ALL ABOUT DINOSAURS. Surely the pictures must be poorly rendered copies of copies, thought I as I opened the pages, only to find gorgeous artwork that I swore must have been sculpture. In fact, I bought the book with the belief that it was full of photographs of beautifully detailed dinosaur sculpture, and I was happy.
Imagine my delight when, after paging through the book and deciding that the hundreds of dinosaur images - each unique and full of character - could not POSSIBLY be sculpture, I discovered that each one was so artfully rendered in 3D that it was impossible to tell that I was looking at a computer image. If I've captured your interest, the book is called 'Dinosaurs' and is by Steve Brusatte.
Here is an image of the same. Daphne helped.