Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl totally bagged and tagged Claire, gize.
Kaisha Ningen Church says, "Oh shi--"
Benjamin says, "HIT THE DECK."
Kaisha Ningen Church DIVES.
Mrs. Smith Mariska says, "Nuh huh."
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "She's ours now. :(:"
Benjamin says, "Noah is going to kill us."
Kaisha Ningen Church says, "No, he is going to kill Meryl."
Mrs. Smith Mariska says, "When you say 'bagged and tagged', you don't mean, like, you gave her a teabag and then tucked in the tag of her shirt, right, Meryl?"
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl dragged her out of Starbucks and tagged her.
Benjamin says, ".. a game of freeze tag right?"
Mrs. Smith Mariska says, "With spraypaint?"
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "no. :D"
Identity says, "We could chain her to a wall and shoot her in the head for funsies."
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "Noah will kill me, yes. BUT."
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "WE GOT CLAIRE"
Mrs. Smith Mariska facepalms.
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl thought you guys would be happier. :(
Benjamin weeps.
Identity loads some hollow points.
Mrs. Smith Mariska says, "Was she on the list, Meryl?"
Mrs. Smith Mariska says, "Never go shopping without a list."
Kaisha Ningen Church says, "We love the fact you are doing your job. Just not on BENNETS DAUGHTER."
Mrs. Smith Mariska says, "You always end up picking up things you don't need."
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "WHAT"
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "She wasn't on the list, but..."
Mrs. Smith Mariska imagines Meryl toting Claire into Noah's office and being all, "OH HI. I FOUND HER! HERE!"
From afar, Benjamin (Benji) can't wait to see this log.
You paged Benjamin with 'I didn't, really. :('
From afar, Benjamin (Benji) ahahahaha.
Long distance to Benjamin: Meryl COULD HAVE
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl dies.
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "Guys, I'm lying."
Benjamin diiies
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl says, "I didn't tag Claire."
Mrs. Smith Mariska says, "Next time hide her somewhere more difficult."
Identity sighs and goes to find someone else to shoot in the head then.
Proud to be a Nimrod! Meryl dies. Noah: THIS IS NOT A GAME! >:O Meryl: but-- But you-- Noah: Go to your room. :|
Mrs. Smith Mariska hears the Sylar file might have some suggestions.