one minute left at the library

May 09, 2005 20:45

I have just ended the 48 hour marathon of watching the kids for the weekend. Of course it was exhausting, but I enjoyed every second of it. I got to take the little girls to a "kid drum circle," which was actually mainly adults, in the afternoon. We were pumped to be there, we even brought tambourines. Miranda was asked what she had for lunch and we made up a song about it. She announced to everyone, "mango icecream on a cone," and I wanted to yell, "no, that was after her real lunch of hummus and carrots." The drum circle starter was the same one who did it at the womyn's music festival. Community. Got to love it.

So Italy's in! I'm going!!! Everything is for sure! However, I have no idea about the details about this summer camp and I'm slightly freaking out because I need to plan and organize and have some level of understanding as to what to expect. At this point, all that's agreed on is that I'm showing up to orientation and meeting someone 20 hours at the train station so I can be taken there. Things to figure out: Which train station? Who do I tell? How will they know it's me? Shall I wear a red hat?
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