Oct 03, 2005 17:46
46% of Americans today have some diagnosed mental disorder.
54% of Americans today are probably undiagonosed.
Age which hidden bias can be processed: 11
# of seconds your mind took to process (for Republicans):
800 milliseconds
# of seconds your mind took to process (for Democrats):
1000 milliseconds
Seconds needed to think rationally: 1 second (average)
# of rounds fired into air by New Orleans cops: 700
# of people reporting the gun fire: 0
36% of high school students purchase cigarettes illegally
12%+ of high school students smoke weed habitually
36% of Japanese are not proud of their nationality
02% of Americans are not proud of their nationality
The United States spends $935.63 per person on military supplies, which in comparison is the 3rd most in the world.