May 27, 2005 19:14
So Saturday is when I feared for my life at a party. Yup, little old me felt as if there was going to be a gay bashing. It was Maida's b-day and we went to a friends house just to visit and her Kelniah Kirsten Will and myself could well, party. Didn't turn out so good. There was this guy who was a jerk that tried to hit on Maida before but she rejected him.(Could see why.) Well, Maida and Kelniah were telling this joke/story where I kissed her by mistake. This guy starts taunting will saying you let another guy play with your girl like that. Will blurts out he's gay. It would be fine if Will didn't know that this guy was a jerk but he did so I'm angry at Will still. The guy then looks at me with this angry what kinda look. He leaves then comes back with these two ping pong balls. Says, so you are "homosexual" as it was a smart remark. I respond, Yes I indeed am what you call a "homosexual". So what do you think I'm cute he says and my mind races a million minds per hour cause this was a well built guy he looked like he could kill me. Sorry no, he was like what in his expression seriously funny. So you don't think I'm cute, no sorry your not my type then he takes the two ping pong balls and starts twirlling them next to my croch area and saying I'm good with balls. I'm like I can see you are have you had practice. He looks at me and I'm just smiling away. Kelniah intervens and goes you know that is offensive to him. Could you stop bothering him. He's like I'm not bothering him then puts his arm around me. In which I freak out more. Not noticable ofcourse. Scared that this muscle bound guy would pumble me down into a bloody pulp. Kirsten interven and said wow that guy is playing the guitar in his room. I saw it and said oh yeah Followed Kirsten into the room. In which the guy followed again. He then asked me what's your name and offered me his hand I gave it to him and he then tried to give me a hard hand shake as if in a threatning way I have a VERY strong hand shake myself so I turned the pages on him. Making it seem as if I wasn't as weak as I looked, but yeah I am. I told him my name and then gripped even harder and said what did you say yours was he said Jeff. I finally let go he didn't seem to happy about the whole thing. I started talking Kirsten and he interupts by putting his hand around me again saying stupid things that I don't remember cause I was thinking get this stupid drunk meat head off of me!!! I then said where's Maida which he kept calling Maika ON PURPOSE!!! Went to the kitchen which he then followed. He puts his arm around me again with force this time saying oh thers my buddy I put my hand around him and say there's my buddy with force as well. Everybody is looking so I know something is up. His friend comes up and and he introduces him as Joe. I'm like hi Joe, Joe for some odd reason starts going on about how he has known Jeff for all his life he's like a brother to him and so on. Then, he looked me straight in the eye and goes "I would take a bullet for this guy" in the most serious tone. I was scared shitless, seriously I was threaten. I just look at Maida and gave her the look of I wanna get the fuck out of here. I told here in spanish, well what little I can speak and what little she could understand even though we are both latin but she knew and she agreed. So we left. Yet that was one of the scariest moments in my life and think I will never forget it.
Next is work related. It's basically horrible and anyone who's ever been taunted/harrased should understand. It all started about 2 to 3 weeks ago when I decided to wear my PRIDE button and rainbow chocker. After I did I noticed that this guy named Elvis who was close to me now had started mimicing gestures that where that of a stereotypical gay male. Like a limp wrist a hippish walk and would talk in a higher feminin pitch and laugh. I was confused so I just ignored it till Doris and Anabel joined in saying jokes back and forth in spanish about gay people. Even when we did our streches when we touched our toes they would say asi es como un indio morio that's how aa indian died which means a guy having sex being the penis the arrow you know. I know they were saying it about me cause I would look over and they weren't streching and they were looking at me laughing this happened every day. I ignored. Stupid me. A little after Diana Maria and Iris who sit infront of me start saying little jokes every now and then but would say one look up at me laugh then not say anything esle. This Tuesday around 5:40pm everything changed for the worst. All I remember was hearing Mary, Mary, I don't know what Mary means so I'm going to keep saying it from Diana. Maria then says you don't know what Mary means it's what's right infront of you which caused me to look up with a look of disbelief. They then start laughing. Iris then says frijolles(beans) it smells like someone's cooking frijolles. Diana then says frijolles frijolles it smells like frijolles in a loud fashion. I ignored them I was shocked felt like crying broken down. They preceded to talk I didn't want to hear but each time they would say words like maricita, maricone, chapurita(I don't know what it means but Iris kept refering me to one) cabrone and more words that I just man this hurts... It hurt that is all I can say it hurt I was... broken down. What gives them the right to attack another human being that way and just LAUGH about it. Just laugh. I got up and signed off told Chris that I was leaving and I had to talk to him about some harrasment problems I was having.
Next morning I told Chris everything that had happen or everything that I hadn't suppressed. He did his best he called human resources and filed a sexual harrasment complaint. They started an investigation. Called in everybody one by one into the office to talk over the phone starting with me. It seems as though they believed me even with the lack of witnesses. So I'm happy. I just don't want anyone terminated. Even though my friend said they deserve it and I should not feel bad for what I did. I just don't like to see people suffer even if they are my enemy(didn't know what else to put). Even though they have been saying that it's not true to their friends and it has been hard cause they have alot of friends there and they have been mimicing what they said like the word frijolles is said each time I walk by them but in a low voice but loud enough for me to hear. It hurts it really does. I know that it's true and this time I wont back down. I got a couple of people on my side supporting me and human resources(I hope) I know I can beat this and I will. I just wish people were more accepting and not so ignorant. No one deserves being picked on because of their sexual identity. Officially the worst week ever. I wont quit the fight cause this is definatly something worth fighting for.
Lots of love with a little bit of down syndrome,