Mar 14, 2008 23:14
So much has been going on here that I don't even know where to start!
I'm just about over my cold. I took a bit(or a lot would probably be more correct to say) of everything-garlic, vitamin C, lemon tea, neocitran, and just about anything that felt good on my throat. I've been doing more reading on natural remedies and other related topics and it has been interesting. Apparently vitamin C is good to build up your immune system when you don't have a cold. You should up your dose if you feel a sore throat/cold coming on but trying to take it while you have a sore throat/cold actually doesn't help and can sometimes make it worse. So, I believed every word I read and stopped taking vitamin C for now. :P :D I think it might have helped. I was also taking garlic so started taking yogurt with probiotics so the good bacteria would be put back in my system. There is your health lesson for today. :)
Erin has 10 baby feedlot calves now. As if there wasn't enough to keep her busy. :D She now has two feedlots calling her whenever a calf is born so there probably will be more coming yet. She has been trying to sell her milk replacer but, if she keeps acquiring calves like she has, that won't be necessary.
Dad bought bred cows to calve out and put on the rented pasture this year. The first calf arrived yesterday morning. I was planning to move the cow and her calf into another pen but, noticing she'd start pawing whenever she saw me, I've decided to leave ol' cheerful to herself. I quite clearly remember my last encounter with a crazy cow and I keep my distance now. :P This one didn't seem quite as wired but still...
We are getting back into farming this year which kind of brings us back to the beginning of cycle we were at when I was young. We farmed and had a few animals. Dad also started a gravel operation. Then we had more grass and moved more in the direction of raising animals (cattle, elk, and bison.) About a year ago Dad shut down the gravel operation and now he is going to be farming again this year growing canola and maybe flax.
Erin and I went into a quilting shop today and through out the store quilts are hung displaying what quilt classes are available. I glanced towards the back and saw a quilt...the exact type of quilt I've been wanting to make...bear's paw pattern, lodgish look and just exactly my style! There was a sheet pinned on it saying that classes started a couple days ago. So, I asked the lady at the front if they sold the pattern for that quilt. She said they did and that it was actually five patterns they sell together. She looked on her sheet and said, "Actually the class doesn't start until the end of March." The patterns are $60 to buy but if you take the class the cost is $125 which includes the patterns and about 20 hours of teaching. I talked to Dad and Mom about it when I got home and they said it'd be fine for me sign up. This might not sounds like really exciting news but I am thrilled! :D
quilt classes,