It was fun to read your answers, Lindsey! I'm glad you joined in here. Meeting you in AR was a definite highlight of the year for me...I hope you'll be able come vist in 2008 - that'd be so fun. :-D
May God bless you richly this year...He has Great Things in store!
Several times already I've thought about how it'd be fun to visit you sometime this year. :) Guess we'll just have to wait to see how things go. Are you planning on attending HSA this year?
Well, we definitely *really* want to go...just are still in the brainstorming stage as far as what plans might work out best. It'd probably be a 11-hour drive or so from here, but that's not too unreasonable. Maybe you'd be able to fly here for a visit first, and drive out to the Reunion with us - then either drive back with us or fly out of some airport along the way? It'd be SO fun to take a road trip together, and I know you'd really enjoy meeting everyone at the Reunion. :-D
I've had fun thinking about what kind of trip I'd like to take but it really is more dreaming right now. :D
It be fun to visit you guys and drive with you to the reunion. It'd also be nice to stop and see the Creation Museum since it is in the area. Doesn't Tammy live kind of in the area there too?
As I said, it is more hopeful wishing and I'd really have to wait until it gets closer before making plans. :)
Yes, Tammy is out that way - a few hours north of Cinncinnatti, I think. I was talking to her about it a couple weeks ago, and she said she'd really like to plan a get-together with whoever of her friends is out for the Reunion (she knows Pamela, too)...but it's hard to tell at this point how it will all work out. Fun to dream about, anyway, and we'll see what God does. :-)
May God bless you richly this year...He has Great Things in store!
It be fun to visit you guys and drive with you to the reunion. It'd also be nice to stop and see the Creation Museum since it is in the area. Doesn't Tammy live kind of in the area there too?
As I said, it is more hopeful wishing and I'd really have to wait until it gets closer before making plans. :)
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