Feb 20, 2014 10:49
Singing along to the Wiggles...Ethan loves it when I sing along. I have to say, my favourite of Ethan's shows are play school and the wiggles. Both use age appropriate language without being condescending. And, recognise that toddlers are intelligent beings. Ethan may not fully understand but he loves when they teach recipes and science on play school. I chat with him about it so I don't use it just for distraction ;)
My mood has recovered from the Seroquel withdrawl. It was worse than Pristiq discontinuation. Now that Ethan's going to Mum's tomorrow I'm feeling a lot better ;)
I am thinking of doing some art with Ethan to see if he'll study with me. Maths isn't sonething I like to power through in one day. I'll have a few hours at night and possibly at nap time. But if I can do some when the mood hits that would be good too.
I am going to apply for a scholarship. It's a $750 laptop or book bursary. I think I qualify for an equity scholarship. I was thinking about writing about the barriers my mental health created with my last degree, growing up in poverty, and living off a part-time wage + a part payment of DSP. And talk about how this degree will help me gain a professional career and break the cycle of poverty for me and my family. Sound reasonable?
Just need to get documentation... I thought about talking about the dad stuff but that might require a statement from my mum as evidence. It's not something she feels comfortable talking about and I don't want to stress her out or feel pressured to look back.