(no subject)

Aug 04, 2005 15:04

Ugh. So I've moved out, but I haven't moved in yet. I won't, not until Tuesday. Or I won't have gotten set up 'till Tuesday.

Right now I'm sleeping on a fold out couch and watching MASH all day. Which isn't too bad. ^^' I sort of miss my dog, though. We have Animal Planet and I keep getting reminded of her. But she's having fun now, staying with my dad's friend. I just hope we can find a home for her or my dad's friend decides to keep her because I really really don't want to put her to sleep... I dunno.

If anyone wants a cute 11 year old Border Collie, call me. ^^'

Aaand we picked up the mail from the Post Office today, so I have my schedule for PDS. Apparently I wasn't cool enough to get my first elective choice, so I'm taking Photography I instead of Sports Medicine, which I actually really wanted to take... I guess I'll just have to be jealous of anyone that's taking Sports Med.

Anyway, here's my A-day schedule for both Semesters


Chemistry I Accel.
Study Hall
Photography I
AP World
Mandarin Chinese II
Precalculus (adv)

Chemistry I Accel.
Study Hall
English Lit.
AP World
Mandarin Chinese II
Art II

television, pet, school

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