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Feb 27, 2010 14:35

Have you ever wanted something really badly, yet not been sure whether you would be able to get it?

That's how I'm feeling right now about becoming a First-Year Mentor next year for Wellesley's class of 2014 (HOLY CRAP). Our orientation is the week before classes start, so essentially an FYM is someone who is assigned to a group of 13 first-years, and helps them through registration/getting used to college/HOLY CRAP I AM AWAY FROM MY PARENTS sort of thing. Mostly during orientation, but also through first semester/sometimes second semester. And I have always thought I would make a good FYM, secretly, in my heart of hearts. All of my skills are kind of in that area- I'm good at making people feel comfortable, I like learning about people and trying to get them out of their shells, I am good at being the leader in a situation where I am the one who is designated to take charge. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things I'm bad at, but I think I would make a good FYM. I like people, I like talking to them, and I love showing them things I think they'd get excited about. And just.. the way everyone talks about being an FYM sounds so much like something I'd like to do.

So the interview process is pretty strenuous, especially considering it's a voluntary/unpaid position, but every step has just strengthened exactly how much I want to be an FYM. All the interview questions, and the Carousel (which is the team exercise "interview" half) which just happened today have only made me want to be an FYM MORE. Today I spent from 9AM-12PM working in a group of 6 other interviewees and it was REALLY FUN. I really liked the activities, the thought put into it, and interacting with people who I didn't know well. It reminds me why I like being social.

I guess what I'm saying is that I would really love to do this next year, and I think I'll be really disappointed if they decide I'm not a good enough candidate. Not just because I don't like not doing well enough, but also because.. I'm usually pretty self-selective about things. If I don't think I'll be good for it/wouldn't like it, I usually don't apply, no matter the benefits. Just because I think that my time would be better put toward things I'll either be good at or enjoy (ideally both). And if I don't get in it means my self-selection has erred.

When I have applied to things in the past, it has been with a kind of "eh" (shrug) effect wherein I will be disappointed if I can't get it, but I won't mind ALL that much. I didn't have a specific college in mind to attend when I wanted to apply, all of the internships have been "well maybe I'll get in but I doubt it." I don't think I have REALLY REALLY wanted to do something this much since, like... the Cambridge program. It just makes me wonder if I'm jinxing myself, or if I don't get the position, does that mean that there's something I'm missing that I've been deluding myself about?

Man, I dunno. But I do really want to lead first years around next year, and now that the interview process is over, we're supposed to find out before spring break. So wish me luck, I guess? 
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