(no subject)

May 24, 2008 22:53

Watched the first four episodes of the first season of House again, today. I MISS THE EARLY HOUSE EPISODES, BACK WHEN EVERYTHING WASN'T "DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT OH GOD."

Seriously. I mean, ok, the fact that Wilson's in all four of the first episodes, helping out & shit is kind of weird (because he's an oncologist and supposedly head of his own department), but there's a kind of delight in exploring this type of show that's pretty much lost by now.

I'm pretending that's the reason I like it so much better and not because Robert Sean Leonard was skinnier and not everybody had watched it then. But seriously, I'm really not invested in that show anymore.

Umm.. also saw the new Indiana Jones movie today. It doesn't really compare well against the other ones (in my book. The Last Crusade will probably always be my fave.), but I mean it's not... bad. An Indiana Jones movie is supposed to have crazy-ass fantastical elements (excuse me, holy grail?), so despite the fact crystal skulls are kind of WTF? they're not...abnormal. I feel like a lot of the parts were cornier and stupidly random than in the earlier movies, and maybe that's just because I saw the other ones when I was younger but I don't think so. plus, I mean, moosh much? seriously?

I had other things I wanted to talk about but I've left this too long and I'm too tired, so, 'night.

movie, house, fandom

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