Aug 19, 2007 22:35
It's time to step from a drawn out and lazy summer of rest into the harness of senior year.
As I recall, I began junior year slightly saddened (wistful, perhaps) and apprehensive.
I begin senior year cautiously, but I can't help the smirk that plasters itself on my face at the thought of being a senior.
I'm not going to hit the ground running, but hopefully I can organize over the next few weeks. The good thing about being meek is that people rarely suspect you of insubordination or laziness, simply incompetence. Or maybe absent-mindedness.
At the 30 year's celebration last night, my family seemed to think I could go absolutely anywhere I wanted, which I thought a little amusing. In some ways, though, it's true. I may not be a Harvard or even Ivy League, but I've got a decent smattering of colleges I can fall back on, or at least I think I can, so maybe things aren't as bad as they seem.
Alas, my Brag Sheet is still unfinished!