May 24, 2007 22:34
Oh man. I just went to kung fu today, Thursday first time, I hadn't had that teacher since.. .I first started out, and he's waycool. Looks really really scary and he shouts, but he jokes and is waycool and IT HURTS SO GOOD. AAAH. MY MUSCLES ARE LOVELY AND TWITCHY AND I'M SO HAPPY.
Yeah, anyway, I wish I could get a workout like that every day of the week but APPARENTLY the Thursday class is CLOSING DAMMIT. Ugh. I'm crushed.
Anyways. Got beasted by my Chinese Exam today. I did like my essay to some random friend who had started smoking, because I was like "OMGZ MY BROTHER SMOKED STARTING AT 13 AND HE'S DEAD NOW! AND I HATE MY JOB CUZ EVERYBODY SMOKES AND MY BOSS SHOUTS AT ME."
It was a good essay.
I also heard bazillions of people hating on Ms. Tao, the Chinese teacher, which I wouldn't mind so bad if it wasn't for the fact they were
MAKING FUN OF HER ACCENT. YOU DON'T DO THAT, GUYS. Or at least not around me, mmkay?
I know you think Asian people's accents are funny, but I swear to God I get so pissed off if anyone ever does that sort of thing. I NEVER HEAR PEOPLE MAKING FUN OF SPANISH ACCENTS, OR FRENCH ACCENTS OR GERMAN ACCENTS. They copy them, sure, but It's not with the same "oh god that's so bad how stupid" sort of way.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know- the whole making fun of accents thing? I will get mad. I'm sure the people who were making fun of their chinese teacher are very nice people, but my god I hated them. Not forever. Never forever. But for recent memory.
It may not be the most reasonable thing to get the most mad about, but that's just me. I'm really touchy about it and I HATE it when people make fun of Asian people's accents especially when they can't speak a whit of any asian language themselves. It's not the same as immigrant hate, either. I've heard people say they hate mexican immigrants, but they never make fun of their accents. It's just the asians because they're too small and dorky to fight back. WELL SHUT THE HELL UP LOSERS. You may not see it the way I do, but don't tell me if you don't. 'Cause this is one thing I am totally not open minded on.
kung fu,