Tonight's dreams were even more odd than I'm used to. The first was morbid and could be considered disturbing, the second is just kind of stupid.
I'll start from the first dream, which was me going back to my University, which looked like my secondary school and was staffed by my College tutors. Specifically, Amanda. Amanda sat with me to talk about my concerns with writing for Historical and Cultural Studies (an actual problem I'm having), and somehow the conversation led her to show me old photographs of these dolls, faces painted in a similar way to clown makeup (the same makeup at least, if not the traditional look of a clown with the red lips and whatnot). The dolls were suspended on these objects similar to rakes.
Flashback. It was some kind of carnival-like game, though it wasn't at a carnival. The dolls all hung there, limp and unmoving, and village children waited in lines with their parents before beginning to throw hard, heavy balls at them. It's only at this point that the dolls began to worm around and wince, and bled when the balls struck them. They weren't dolls; they were other children, younger than the ones attacking them. Toddlers, gaunt though they were for their age.
One was beaten to death first, then two got hit on the rod holding them up and got tipped backwards, where the rod had tiny rake-like prongs to spear them through the throat. Bleeding from the mouth and suffocating, they eventually stopped struggling, and that left two more. Another died of the brutal beating, and the last was considered the "winner"; it was freed, dragged to the center of the square, and its head was shoved down onto a blunt rod. The rod emerged through their mouth from the back of their head, they frothed violently, bleeding everywhere, and died. People applauded.
I woke up briefly after this to WTF, look at the time, and go back to sleep.
This time, the subject is two large, concrete, dark rooms, connected via a large square arch, and the farthest one's far wall is lined with empty cubicles. There are lights, but entering there is plainly a risk; I'm there along with several others, and a few military men including one who was being a dick to me in the store earlier (blurs of another dream?), and a pair of scientists who are married. We make a big team in total. Several explorations into there yield little but a quiet silence, and the occasional fox shadow flickering across the wall; there are hundreds of them, but for the most part they just watch. However, staying too long and getting too talkative causes them to emerge in full, lining the walls, and slamming off the lights one by one after which you run like hell, or they lock the doors on you and you're never seen again.
The military types have had success at killing a few, but it seems that the foxes no longer tolerate anyone in that uniform; that's a lights-off-instant-kill scenario if they take one step in there.
There is some kind of solution. We eventually acknowledge these tiny crates in the nearest room, but the foxes don't like us touching it. For the most part, we manage to dance around it; clicking on every light to give us the maximum amount of time before it all goes dark, we crack open one of the crates as fast as we can.
Problem. All the lights slam off, fast as anything, and the door starts closing. We all run as fast as we possibly can, and lunge for it. One of the scientists, the man who was notably a little overweight, gets locked in.
We're later sent his skinned remains, retaining perfect shape. Female scientist is down from the count due to utter heartbreak. However, the foxes don't do this; they take bodies, they never give anything back. What we released were even more vicious cat demons that were huge, menacing, and now no longer let us have the lights on in there at all.
However, bringing in a high powered flashlight, it gives us just enough time to grab the last crate (which is quite small) and run. Why we'd want to release MORE of these things OUTSIDE that room, I have no idea. Research?
Well, it pays off. We discover we can subdue the cat demons by - if you can imagine - grabbing their forepaws, lifting them up and walking them on their hind legs. It apparently takes away their power.
We walk around with cat demons, squee at their cuteness, and then I wake up deciding that is the STUPIDEST RESOLUTION TO A DREAM I HAVE EVER HAD.
Now, shower time. <3