I haven't done a survey in a while.

Jan 29, 2007 00:14


8. last cigarette: I saw one walking up the staircase of a school building
7. last beverage: water
6. last phone call: Liz
5. last hug: .....Doris! On Friday-almost forgot.
4. last lie you told: Quynh Anh: "Sorry did I wake you up? Me: "Yes..."
3. last bubble bath: 3 weeks ago
2. last time you cried: "I don't know, mate, I can't remember!" I think it was after Christmas.
1. last meal: ...nutella on toasted mini blueberry bagels HELL YEAH.

SEVEN have you:
7. have you ever dated someone twice?: Nuh uh.
6. have you ever been cheated on?: Nope.
5. have you ever cheated?: Nah.
4. have you ever fallen in love?: With. No.
3. have you ever lost someone?: Yeah, dude.
2. have you ever been depressed?: Yeah.
1. have you ever had a heartbreak?: YEAH, but he wasn't worth it in the end. All those 'he''s, I mean.

SIX things you did in the last three days:
6. Went to school: Yeah. Science Library.
5. Went to work: Nope.
3. Got drunk: No
2. Had sex: No
1. Hurt yourself: Ummm I can't remember. Oh. Last three days. Nope.

List FOUR people you can tell pretty much anything:
1. You
2. You
3. You
4. You


Laughed until you cried?: When Jenn and Jon came overr

Met someone who changed your life: No

Found out who your true friends were: I know.

1. Our President: He seems like a nice man.
2. Gay marriage?: Support
3. your paycheck: I wish I had one.
4. your life right now: I want to take advantage of California's offerings of entertainment.
5. Who is the best hugger that you know?: Wilson Tran or Nina Parpana. <3
6. Do you believe in love at first sight?: I'll believe it when I see it.
7. Is there something you want to tell someone?: Yeah.
8. what kinda shirt are you wearing?: a.. longsleeve semi turtleneck
9. what are your favorite shoes: the ones Kevin bought me for my bday.
10. the last party you attended: OCHEM PARTY <3
11. How many kids do you want to have?: at least 2
12. Do you have a good relationship with your parent(s)?: Yeah.
13. Do you wanna change your name?: Nah.
14. What did you do for your last birthday?: Liz and I planned to sit like bums until our friends came to surprise us and stuffz.
15. What time did you wake up today?: 12?
16. What were you doing at midnight last night?: I think I was chatting with Tessa, figuring out HOW MANY FREAKIN FLARES and what the hell that meant.
17. Name something you CANNOT wait to do?: finish this week.
18. Last time you saw your father?: Last Sunday.
19. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: Add some clarinetisms
20. Which hand do you like better?: My left one
21.What are you listening to right now?: the loud fan of my laptop.
22. What kind of underwear are your favorite?: SO-EN.
23. Have you ever donated money to a good cause?: Yup.
24. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back?: mmyes.
25. Have you ever been in a love triangle?: LOLLLLL I THINK SO.
26. Who's getting on your nerves right now?: You, Mr. Inquisitive Survey Question Asker.
27. Most visited website?: At the moment it's LiveJournal and McFly Media.
28. most common online phrase you use: I totally forgot now.
29. Coke or Pepsi?: Coke because we drank that today.
30. Do you have a crush?: Not at the moment. Maybe a little crush on that guy in my poli sci discussion who has a girlfriend.
31. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week?: No
32. Do you disagree with a lot of things going on in the world?: Yeah.
34. Do you enjoy your friendship with your friends?: Most definitely.

Yes. That's done. Yesssssssss. I can go to bed nowwww.


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