So, I can't say that I know much about what's popular in music these days, but it's kinda what we're seeing in all those music awards, aren't we? I'm talking about both the BRITS and the Grammys. It's a popularity contest now, apparently. But I was wondering about this earlier, about the officials who nominate them(whoever they are). I know years ago the noms were all about music that I have never even heard of or cared about, except the ones I heard on the radio, but nonetheless, deserving, right? But now all the noms are EVERYTHING I hear on the radio, even those few times I turn it on anyway.
I don't know, years ago we as people were complaining, and even now, we're still complaining. We will never be satisfied.
But who nominates them, anyway? "Music experts"? I can understand the Oscars, because there can be a standard in acting. But music..? Is there a standard in music? People have different tastes in music(people can have differing opinions on acting too, but music is, I dunno, broader). I know you can still respect/give props to a hip-hop act even if you listen to rock, or whatever. Is that probably why these awards show ppl resort to album/single charts and sales?
Blah blah blah. In reality(here it comes) I'm just bitter that McFly didn't get nominated. I knew they wouldn't. I mean, look at where the album charted first week(number 6, RAWR). Went downhill from there.. That album is QUALITY, man, QUALITY. That's not even a half-biased statement either. But I was hoping they'd be nominated cuz awards DO mean something. They get recognition for making good, quality music. But why does it not seem like that anymore? =/ Kinda sad..
so according to this( TRL might be off the air soon. Look how Carson Daly's show ended up more than a decade later. Ooh how I loved that show! Especially with the BSB & N Sync days, eeee! Memories<33 Now I watch it from time to time.. but now it's not the same.. It's just lost its.. flare, I guess? Still it makes me sad that it's going to be another music-related show gone from MTV. What music shows are left, now, anyway? Pretty soon, there won't be any music on that channel ever. What are we going to tell our kids when they ask us what 'MTV' stands for? 'Muck Television'. >(!
Okay, now I'll rant about school. Ughhhhh so OChem lecture was boring as heck. I tried to comprehend the monotonous tone of our professor but rawr, unsuccessful. PoliSci lecture. I'm so glad I met Karla. She's such a cool chick. And she told me Ryan's coming back next quarter. I'm debating whether I should hug him after not seeing him for months, or smack him really hard for making me think I was never gonna see him ever again. Programming lecture- I'm soo glad prof didn't call on me, cuz I didn't do last week's optional homework, and he was calling kids out and all.
faaaaaast forward to later when I went to Info Night for PCN's Traditionalist Suite. I was out there a 10 min till 9, and I figured I should wait until exactly 9 to get to the room. So I did, and I was the first one there. xD I forgot that this was a filipino event, and filipino events run on filipino time, lawl. Until the beginning of it I was just dreading to be there, and I wanted to leave. But afterwards I didn't wanna leave. I was around people, friends I haven't seen in forever, friends I wanna hang out with/people I want to get to know more. Why does it always happen when I'm at a Kaba event? So. That only means. I should hang out with Kaba more. Wheee. Tomorrow's Choir info night(NINAAAAAAAA<3) and I'm definitely going to go.
But now I gotta finish this Writing assignment which I'm definitely am going blank on, and the cold is not helping.
Thank you for reading. :) That was so much.