We have a darling little fox in. It was being kicked by thugs and a man stopped his car to help and the fox jumped into his car. He brought it to us. When I saw it last night it was alert, very interested in me, not at all fearful and limping in the back leg. It was curling its paw.
We think it has toxoplasmosis. Cats are the primary source of infection. It is very sweet and has no fear of humans. This is one of the main symptoms of the disease. :-( They lose all fear of predators.
When I found out, I cried.
We are sending the blood in to be tested. The main problem with this is that the fox will either have to be euthanized or put in a sanctuary with other foxes that have the same problem or where humans can’t get to it. Brian’s place would be the kind of area it can be released in. It can never be released back into the wild. We will decide what to do if the blood tests come back positive, and we also have to look at what other treatments we can give to it and what other diseases it carries. It may be that euthanasia is it’s best option.
Here are some blurry photos of the little critter taken with my crappy iPhone camera. I need to start taking my good camera.