I have been thinking about this ever since you wrote it and turning it over in my mind. I am trying to figure out why this book didn’t bother me as much with its depiction of rape and I honestly cannot pin point it. I, for the most part, enjoyed it - not for the depictions of rape, of course, but because it didn’t make me feel dirty or (as a woman) used to sell his books. It is such a trigger subject for me. I have been mulling this - and the book - ever since. At the beginning of many of the chapters there were statistics about rape. I also know that as a young man the author witnessed a gang rape and he didn’t do anything about it. He felt guilt for the rest of his life. I also didn’t feel that the author didn’t like men, or women. He book was brutal in some places and made me cringe, but I guess this author made me dislike the characters more than it made me dislike him. Some books I have read I really felt like the author had a major agenda - and disliked women. I didn’t feel this way about this book. I know that other people may get something totally different out of this book, and it is trigger so I can relate if it did bother people. I am still trying to figure out why I reacted the way I did to the book.
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