Hello! I remember browsing (lurking) in this community nearly two years ago when I first started my application, and how reassuring it was.
I'd like to ask for a little help, if you have a Facebook account. I am a finalist for the Blog It Home contest, and the prize is a trip back to the States for a week. If you could take a couple seconds to click on the link and "Like" my picture, I would be so grateful! Also, check out my blog, which is linked in the picture.
https://www.facebook.com/peacecorps/photos/a.10152404780060914.1073741843.110634980913/10152404781615914/?type=3&theater I applied way before any kind of application changes, so I can't help with any experience there, but if you want to chat with someone about serving in Thailand, I would be happy to answer any questions.