Aug 10, 2009 00:20
Dear Mr. EB White,
Mr I demand of you
Mr there is no defense for
The misplaced commas that constitute your life
And the tears
And the letters and shredded papers
The mess and the broom
Write and obey and don’t question
Oh hell, don’t question
Stop crying
Why are you crying?
Commas and tears
Commas like tears
Nobody knows and no one listens
To the tears, and I dot listen to commas
And mr eb white
Fuck you mr eb white
And every man with his foot on my neck
Telling me to choose
Between those who know
And those who do not
Those who do
And those who do not
That’s what you say
They all do and I don’t
I wont and I cant
Its not just authority
You command the commas
The punctuation and books
Commas not like my tears
Not my tears and not me
Mr eb white
Keep your clammy white hands off my tears
You can control my commas and my reproductive organs
But the tears are mine
Ten dollars for you book
They are yours
The dollars are yours, the rules and the order
My hands will type your rules
I will learn them in school
I will remember but never defend
There is no defense for the mistakes
The omitted commas
No DEFENSE for them
Mr eb white says
In court I would be convicted
I would not be appointed a lawyer
Or rights
Only tears and misplaced commas
Mr eb white