So as detailed in the most recent few posts in LJ's
lj_releases community, they will soon be converting friends pages to a Tumblr-like, infinite scrolling "feed" with extremely limited customization and a whole host of other undesirable changes. I highly encourage you to read
this and
this post for more information on the changes.
I'm not going to push anyone to do anything, but myself, when these changes go live, I will no longer be checking my LJ friendslist and I will also no longer crosspost to this journal. I will become exclusively a
Dreamwidth user. If you wish to follow me there, you are more than welcome--just let me know your username and I'll friend you straightaway. If you need invite codes, I have tons of 'em.
The long and short of it is, LJ's just not suited to fandom anymore, most of my friends have moved on, and now they're--I don't know--trying to become a Tumblr clone (no thanks, already got one) and making it harder to customize and feel comfortable.
I won't delete this journal, but when the changes noted above are implemented, I will stop updating it.
Sorry, folks, and
I hope I will see you on the other side. <3