Rent Tae Guk Gi from the library reserve. Watch it. Take notes.
(As an extension of the above, begin writing the film review, which is due... oh, shit, Thursday.)
Locate somebody on which to do that "life history" project for Methods. Ask any veterinarian you can find. Hope they say yes.
Study for Greek quiz. Make flash cards, perhaps?
Have general anxiety about floundering in the dark on both of the projects listed above.
... do other stuff that you can't think of right now because it's past midnight on a Saturday night and you got home from Bend six hours ago.
Y'guys should do the memes I posted earlier today.
So, Nevermore covered The Sound of Silence. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it's pretty awesome and I enjoy it, but on the other, it just seems like there was more they could've done with it to make it their own. Gone beyond some of the stylistic metal clichés. *shrugs* Eh, I'm happy with it.
S'pose I should get to bed and thereby get an early-ish start tomorrow... bah.