So, we loaded my boards and cinderblocks onto the dolly and were bringing them back to the apartment, and on the sidewalk we found
Right after that last photo, I thought it was looking at me kind of oddly, and a thought occurred to me. I asked Travis, "can these things fly?" because I knew that while all insects have wings, they're not necessarily functional; he said that yes, they can, and I'm in the process of moving backwards a little when it LEAPS into the air, and all four of us jump back as if it was a firecracker that hadn't gone off.
I didn't even know had them around here, and I've never seen a live one before! SO GODDAMN COOL.
Edit: Also. I was thinking that since I'm on the verge of my big foray into cooking, I should document my progress with recipes and pictures. Should I make a separate food journal, and/or would you watch it if I did? Please do let me know.