
Aug 06, 2007 20:41

Ahahah, I left MSN running while Tanya and I wandered Seattle. Oops. *ducks*

On the other hand, Seattle was awesome - we bussed to the U district, sampled chai, ate amazing Indian food, and visited two different used bookstores. Trabant has about a million flavors of chai, and cute little notebooks for patrons to write in, and while it was absolutely amazing, Cedars was beautifully traditional Indian style, with cardamon and fennel and cream and it was wonderful.

And now, I believe we are going to make a spice cake, and experiment with our own chai mixes. Whoo!

Edit: It is 11:23 and our cake is baked and cooling. I'm going to make a confectioner's sugar glaze, top it with some sifted confectioner's sugar, and then some candied mint leaves that we made while it was baking. Pictures will definitely follow.

To do tomorrow:

Finish passport application
Go to post office; drop off application and mail Away From Home
Take computer to The Better Guys; ask about replacing with less add-ons and stuff
To to Teavana; buy some Indian black tea
Call into work and Homeward about Gina's cat
edit: damn, also:
Finish washing the dishes
Call Tanya once finished with the rest of this

Probably other things. Keep thinking...

baking, seattle, tea, to do, food

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