Woohoo, leaving in eleven hours and packing! Why do I procrastinate? I'm living proof of the veracity of the statement: "If it weren't for last-minute panic, nothing would ever get done."
On the other hand,
my collection of Kaida art is steadily growing. Nami, I love you. XD
(That picture is even more amusing to me because Vinnie - Nami's character [and no, these two have nothing to do with each other and aren't even in the same universe, they just... ended up in a picture together; don't blame me, blame her], who we always pair with my character from that RP, a tall-dark-n-handsome assassin type fellow - actually has a wife and kids. So, ha. That doesn't stop us from slashing him like crazy, though. What can I say; he's incredibly slashable.)
(Also, drunk!Kaida will never happen in the RP, but, still, the idea cracks me up, because she'd be so cheerful and talkative! It'd actually be fricking adorable, and I won't lie, that girl needs to lighten up, buuuut, honestly, the likelihood of her even getting near an alcoholic beverage is about equal to the likelihood of me doing the same thing. I just can't think of any possible way that she'd lower her self-discipline enough. Sigh.)
Aurus, what are you doing? You need to pack, creature. Stop with this 'updating' thing and go be productive.
Edit, a quarter to three: ... Okay. For those who aren't already aware, I am the wussiest arachnophobe in the history of the world. Given this, would somebody please remind me why my room is in the basement where I swear there is a spider for every square foot of wall space? I mean, holy flying fuck. How have I survived my entire life up to this point. I'm going to go sleep on the recliner in the living room, because, uuuggghhh.