Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||| 38%
Schizoid |||||| 30%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Antisocial || 10%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 54%
Narcissistic |||||||||||| 42%
Avoidant |||||| 22%
Dependent |||||||||||||||| 62%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 54%
Take Free Personality Disorder Testpersonality tests by Maslow Inventory Results Physiological Needs (24%) you appear to have everything you need to survive physically.
Safety Needs (67%) you appear to have a very unsecure environment.
Love Needs (80%) you appear to be unhappy with the quality of your social connections.
Esteem Needs (54%) you appear to have a medium level of skill competence.
Self-Actualization (50%) you appear to have an average level of individual development.
Take Free Maslow Inventory Testpersonality tests by Freudian Inventory Results Oral (50%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.
Anal (43%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.
Phallic (26%) you appear to have negative issues regarding sexuality and/or have an uncertain sexual identity.
Latency (60%) you appear to have a good balance of abstract knowledge seeking and practicality, dealing with real world responsibilities while still cultivating your abstract and creative faculties and interests.
Genital (76%) you appear to have a progressive and openminded outlook on life unbeholden to regressive forces like traditional authority and convention.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Testpersonality tests by Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results
Warmth |||||||||||||||||| 58% Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Aggressiveness ||||||||| 22% Liveliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Dutifulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Social Assertiveness |||||||||||| 34% Sensitivity ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Paranoia |||||||||||| 34% Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Introversion |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Independence |||||| 14% Perfectionism ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Tension ||||||||||||||| 50%
Take Free 16pf based Personality Testpersonality tests by