
Aug 24, 2005 17:02

And I have so much to say.

Expect the unexpected
This can be a somewhat disruptive influence, during which you are subject to sudden upsets or to behavior that is upsetting to others. Under this influence it is quite likely that you will not follow your normal routine as on other days. There could be an automobile breaking down unexpectedly, a sudden argument or an unexpected separation from someone. The point is that you can expect the unexpected today. You are striving to break down your everyday routine, and it would be best to find ways of doing this intentionally, rather than waiting for it to happen. Let the restless spirit within you express itself. You need new air! You may very well discover a valuable aspect of yourself that you never knew existed, because you were afraid to let it come out.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Sun Square UranusSunSquareUranus exact at 10:22
activity period from 23 August 2005 to 25 August 2005.

Libra by Radleigh Valentine
August 22 - August 28

Our readings this month comes to us by way of Tarot of a Moon Garden by Karen Marie Sweikhardt. If you’re curious, you can see a few sample cards from the deck on the 12th House store website under “alternate view.” Are you being a fool for love this week? Then close your eyes… take a deep breath… relax… and then imagine me in front of you… smiling… then taking my hand and slapping you silly. Yes, this IS a Moonlighting moment and since Cher isn’t here, you’re stuck with me so “snap out of it!” Libras are prominent in my life and Goddess knows I love you all. But honestly, honey… isn’t it time you woke up and smelled the coffee?
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