[mood |
[music | cold war kids]
I do a lot of complaining in this journal. Good thing it's always friends locked.
I don't ever complain in real life, so snaps for me right?
I want to cut so badly. But I'm going to Hawaii in May (I just found out). My legs probably won't be less noticeable by May anyways, but it deffinately won't help things to keep cutting. But, fuck, I really want to >=O
I've been eating like the fatass I am. Today I had ff yogurt, apple, tofu, 2 cookies (impulse eating again. I couldn't even purge).
I'm just frustrated. And I got my period yesterday after 2 months of not having it. I should be happy about that? But I'm not. It means that I'm healthier then I deserve to be.
The thing is, I used to be so repulsed by food. I used to never go near it unless it was fruit or a veggie. Now, you can't keep me the fuck away from it. I don't know how things changed so suddenly for me. If I've been in control since I was 10 and now all of a sudden I'm nearly 18 and I'm turning into a fatty compulsive eater. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
I'm only allowing myself fruit, mustard, veggies, and water from now on. Seriously.