From my local humgreens mailing list

Nov 30, 2008 01:30

Nationally, we achieved ballot access in 19 new states for a record-setting total of 41 states. In spite of a virtual blackout in mainstream media, Cynthia McKinney garnered 20% more votes for Green Party president than in 2004, and Congressional challengers increased votes for Green Party candidates by 50%. In District 1, Carol Wolman, won 8.4% of the vote for Congressional representative districtwide and 10% of the vote in Humboldt County, more than twice the number of registered Greens! And Kaitlyn Sopoci-Belknap swept back her seat on the Humboldt County Municipal Water Board with 61.6% of the vote!


Small steps. It's something worth cheering for.

Also, local news for this Piper. The artist's challenge ends this coming Wednesday and the gallery show opens Saturday evening!

My work will be on display for a full week with the chance to sell. I'm hoping I sell at least three pieces. Even if I don't sell anything, I'll be happy, this is the first big milestone for me as an artist: My first gallery showing. Even if it's a group show, it COUNTS. :D

politics, green party, local news, art

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