John says to live above hell

Aug 12, 2005 09:51

The Application

I am...

Surviving how long:26 years
Located at:Canada's only bodercity
Sexually inclined towards: Females
Love life status is at: [and we want pics]single
Described in 5 words:in five words describe what? Me? Emo, Dreadhead, Hippie, Nerd, Artist!

I love...

Place:tropical beaches
Food:grilled cheese sandwiches
Books (2+): Gods of the new millenium, the phantom
Movies(5+): Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Life Aquatic, Napoleon Dynamite, Donnie Darko, The Fifth Element
Silly obsession: trying not to grow up (does that count?)
Role model (and why, a pic would be nice too): when I was little it used to be my big bro, but now I'm not sure...

I listen...

Music (10+): techno, house, punk, emo, screamo, metal, rock, reggea, jazz, blues
Songs (2+): changes daily
Least favorites: country

I think...
Write a brief passage about an original opinion you have. It can be on music, a book, a movie, a social issue, a person... It doesn't matter...just make sure to be creative and orginal!

dicrimination is over rated... I think the world should just get along... we should take everyone form the world and mix it up, shuffle the people around for a couple of years... then everybody will have to start fucking different people of different races... unitl... there will be no more different races!

I wish...

Could be where right now: on a hot tropical beach
Could meet these three people: Adam Duritz, Johnny Depp, a nice girl with dreads
Could change this about myself: I'm way too hairy (sorry to much info :)
Could change this about the world: war... it shouldn't happen, not today, not ever

I apply...

Proof that you've promoted to two separate places: (and your own LJ is totally ok...if you can't do this cuz you've gotten in trouble or such, just say so...but it'd be nice if you'd try!) ... they said i couln't post it

If accepted, which stamp would you like? (Numbers only please) 7
Any last words? WOOHOO!

I am seen...
Post at least 4 pictures of yourself, with at least one clear shot of your face:

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