kamenashi Hayato, my son... my lover... V

Feb 15, 2009 14:09

Living alone with an infant in another country on the other side of the world was harsh for him.
He doesn't know whether it was a good thing to buy his apartment online instead of going there himself and have a look at it.
He did, technically, they have virtual tour of the apartment.

The price was high.
$3.9 million.

He was careful on choosing the neighborhood too.
He knows that New York is the second state that Japanese is most likely to resides in.
Not that he's so full of himself, but he's sure if he runs into 5 Japanese in New York, 2 or 3 of them might recognize him.
And he wants to walk outside with his baby, buy his clothes, toys, and his food while Hayato is in his arms.
So if he lives anywhere where Japanese or mostly Asians, he'd be recognize, and worse comes to worse... They'll snap a picture of him with Hayato, and send it to the medias back in Japan.

No one except their family, T-TUN, Johnny, NewS, and Kanjani knows about Hayato.
And Kame prefers it that way.
If the public learns about who Hayato is, and who's blood running in his veins, he'll be in the eyes of public untill he grows up.
Some might even pester him on joining Johnny, or other entertainment industry in the country just because he's the son of Akanishi Jin.
Kame doesn't want that.

He wants Hayato to enjoy his freedom.

He wants Hayato to play in the park without being photographed by the papparazzis.

He wants Hayato to go to school and go home without being stalked.

He wants Hayato to have what he and his dad couldn't have.

He wants Hayato to go to school, and maybe college, and have himself a nice career.

And if, maybe Hayato is interested in the same thing they did... Kame would gladly support him, and advice his son on whatever he needs.
He won't pressure Hayato into anything he doesn't want to do.

Upper East side, Manhattan; Lexington Avenue is one of the top places where the rich resides in New York.
Being the top five of most expensive places to live in along with Park Avenue, Madison Avenue, SoHo, and the Village.

If one has an occupation of a surgeon, hot shot lawyer, business in wall street or any big companies, own or co-own a boutique, a known artist or musician that plays in high pubs or is often hired by rich people, or, basically, if you're willing to pay at least $20,000 to $30,000 rent per month, then one certainly can live there.

Kame didn't rent though.
He saw the opportunity of the apartment was new on the market, and he immediately went on researching it by himself.
A three bedroom in the city, huge living room and dining room, and a nice kitchen.

In a total of $3.9 million wasn't harsh for him because he's had savings from all his works.
Those dramas after dramas and movies that he did all paid off really well, and he's set for years having money in the bank and he doesn't really need to worry about money problems.

He also got Jin's will.

When Jin's mom gave the paper works to Kame, he couldn't believe that his boyfriend did all that for him.
For them.
He decided to put Jin's money aside for Hayato in the future.

He will pay living expenses in New York for him and Hayato with his own money.
And when Hayato is older, he can use that for his school, or for his emergency savings.

Moving in was a little harsh for the two of them.
And living in the new place was harsher.
Plus he only knew simple English, and it took him a while to reply to someone.

Hayato cries a lot when they moved in.
Kame felt really lonely and helpless.
T-TUN offered a helping hand, but he refused, saying that if they come, he might not be able to let them go.
And he knows he has to deal with these himself.

The next big step that Kame took, was going back to school once more.
He doesn't know why, but he wants to do it.
If Yamapi and Koyama could do it then when they were so busy, then he could too.

Now, he isn't an idol, so he's free.
Plus, Hayato's older and is in school, so it's okay as long as his schedules are the same as his son.
If not, Hayato would throw tantrums and cries on the top of his lungs if it's not him that drops him off to school, or picks him up.

Hayato's first day at Pre-K wasn't pretty either.
The toddler refused to be still in his class and play with the other kids.
He would pick a toy in the class and went out to grab his dad's finger and dragged the man in to the class with him.

When other kids wants to play or share toys with him, he would ignore them and again go out of his class to find Kame.
If he isn't in his line of sight, Hayato would break down and cry.

It didn't work hiring a nanny for Hayato either.
Even when Kame needed to take care of something, like legal paper work and insurance, all that jazz, when Hayato senses that he isn't in the same room as his, he would cry and scream, creating commotions.
His first nanny tried everything she could think of when a 3 year old Hayato cried hysterically looking for the older man in the park.
Kame rushed all the way from the other side of Manhattan to his son, and just like that, without any bribery, Hayato calmed down in his arms.

Kame enrolled himself in Baruch College.
New York City's school of business.
He started from basic, a high school dropped out that he is, he had to earn his GED, and polish his English.

He would leave the same time Hayato leaves, and comes home after he picked up Hayato.

And after all hard works, he earned his degree almost in 8 years span.
Kamenashi Kazuya, the once top idol of Japan, works as an accountant for a big company.
He hated the job, so many paper works he has to do everyday.
But he has to work.
Just because he has loads of money from being an idol, eventually his savings will all be used up. 
How will he support his son then?

So Kame is fine with that.
It surprised everyone back in Japan.
Some would tease the Kamenashi Kazuya trading all his top branded accessories and clothes down to just a Rolex watch and designer suit.
Not that it's bad, but, he only needed to wear suit in an occasional photo shoots or drama.

Now, it's an everyday thing.
Mondays through Fridays.
Instead of going in for singing or dancing and reading scripts, Kame comes in to the big tall building, heads to his office, and checks papers and files about money coming in and out.

Despite all these, Kame still would go back to Japan every year, to visit.
He brought Hayato back to their home country.
Bringing Hayato to visit his dad.

Hayato is his happiness.
Kame thanks his existance, and he's strong because of him.

Every parents would be sad to see their little kids grow up.
From the time they used to fit into your arms, now, they're standing tall before you.
Hayato is his reason for his smiles and laughters.

But Hayato also is his reason for his misery.

As he watches his son grows up, Hayato resembles more and more of Jin.
Kame thought it was all in his mind, and that Hayato might resemble his lover because it is his child.

But Kame never expected that Hayato, is the exact split of his dad.

Kids resembles their parents, sure, but...
He would never thought that Hayato would resemble so much of his dad.

The pouty lips, the brown orbs and round eyes that Jin possesed, the mole that Jin used to have on the side of his eye, is a birthmark on Hayato's.
Every move that Hayato makes, it reminds him of Jin.

No one expected this.
Especially not him.

But Kame loves Hayato.
Hayato is his son, so he'll protect Hayato, and continues on untill the younger one tells him he doesn't need to anymore.

He loves Hayato more than life itself.

But it's difficult.

He wanted to cry when he looks at his son.

When Hayato looks at him, he wanted so much to embrace him.
To embrace Jin.

Hayato gives him both happiness and puts him back to his misery.
Kame doesn't know which one is greater.
He's not sure whether this is such a good thing or not.

"Gomen ne, Jin..."
Kame stood in front of Jin's final rest.

"I'm a coward, I couldn't even let your son know who his father is."

"Lies after lies I made, huh?"
He scoffed lightly.
"I think mom is hurt too, Jin... she's his real grandmother, not my mom."

"Reio too..."
Kame wiped the tear that trailed down his face.
"He's his real uncle, not my brothers."

"Gomen ne..."

"I'm the worst, aren't I?"
He shook his head.

Kame said softly.
"I wish he was you, sweet heart..."

He broke down and cry.

"I really wish he was you..."


"Why are you grinning like an idiot?"

"I, my friend... just scored... BIG time."
The guy lifted his fist in triumph.

"Ah... got laid?"

"Hayato... are you really sure you're the captain of the team?"

"Yea, man, your co-captain scored all the time."

They all chuckled.

"Well, then again, the girls Jay banged, are the ones Hayato rejected."

Hayato and his two other friends burst into laughter.
Jay shot Hayato a glare.

"Sorry, Jay. I'm sure Riley and Nick are just jealous, right?"
Hayato grinned.

"Those girls would want to be banged by anyone in the basket ball team anyway, right?"
Riley shook his head.
"Maybe I should quit swimming and join you guys shooting some hoops!"

Hayato replied.

"We're the top on their lists."
Nick pointed.
"Hayato and Jay because they're the basket ball leaders. And they're different."

"Different, meaning?"
Hayato raised his brow.

"You and Jay are Japanese, I guess girls these days are into Japanese boys."
Nick shrugged.

"Yet, they can't speak Japanese."
Riley snorted.

"Easy there, fish boy."
Hayato glared.
"You don't want me breaking yerr fin."

Nick turned to Jay.
"How was she, and who was she?"

"She's Gabriella, from the golf team."
Jay leaned back.
"She's great."

"You knocked one of the golf girls?"
Nick laughed.

"Ah... not just any golf girls, my friends."
Jay smirked.
"The captain of the golf team."

"Wow... you scored, Jay, huh?"
Riley grinned.

"Was she better, or...?"
Nick winked.

"Nah, last week was kind of better."
Jay returned his friend's wink.

"Who was it last week???"
Riley's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Does the name Lara ring a bell, Riley?"
Jay smirked.

"You? Did the girl's swimming team's captain???!"

"Sorry, Riley, guessed I got to her bed, before you."
Jay licked his lips.

"Don't be."
Riley breathes in deeply and smirked.
"I've done her more than once, Jay."

Jay spit in his drink.

"What did you expect, Jay, he is the boys swimming team captain."
Hayato shook his head.

Riley winked.
"Why do you think it takes us longer to finish clean up sometimes."

"And Jay... "
He smiled.
"We don't just do it in the bed, my friend. That's why we're swimmers."

"Dude, I am never going to swim in our school's pool again."
Hayato scrunched his face.

Jay growled.

"Who hasn't you bang yet?"
Nick shook his head.
"Wait... don't answer... I think I know."
Nick rolled his eyes.
"The ones that Hayato hasn't rejected, am I right?"

"Jay, be a player, it's okay, just don't bring me down along with it."
Hayato said boredly.

"Sex and me just go together, okay..."
Jay shrugged.
"And for your information, Hayato did not reject any of those girls."

"Really now?"
Nick raised his brow.

"Well none except the captain of the volley ball's team."
Jay murmured.

"I knew it!"
Nick hissed.

"Dudes, it's not my fault, the girl came into the boys locker room, and wanted to jump on Hayato, but found me, instead."
Jay said bluntly.
"Who am I to turn down a girl, only clad in her towel, in the boys locker room?"

Riley sighed.
"What's with you and these girls, man?"

"I did not, nor have I banged either of them, Riley."
He said boredly.

"That's the thing."
Nick nodded.
"You never reply to any of them."

"Yeah... not even the cheerleaders."
Riley shook his head.
"Dude, basket ball and football are the only two that gets the cheerleaders."

"Yeah, but your girls are clad in bathing suits, Riley."
Nick pointed.
"Soccer girls aren't."

"But, anyway, what's up, Hayato?"

Jay shrugged.

Both Nick and Riley turned to him.

"Hayato is gay, and he's in love with one of us."

The said boy chocked on his drink and was coughing madly.

"Jay, I can do things, and they won't ever find your body."
He glared.

"Can't you take a chill pill, Haya?"
Jay winked.

"Don't joke on things like that!"
He barked.

"But... you're rarely with the girls, though, and that makes us wonder sometimes."
Nick pointed.

"Dude, don't tell me you're a virgin now."
Riley mocked.

"My best friend is a VIRGIN???!!!"
Jay shrieked.
"Hayato, we're 18, we're the most popular guys."

Hayato glared daggers at the three.

"We practically rule the school, you know."
Riley sipped his cola.

"We got the looks, money, cars..."
Nick counted.
"And girls just comes to us, ya know."

Jay frowned.
"You're not a virgin, are you?"

"Yes, Haya-chan you're not, right?"
Both Nick and Riley grinned.

"First of all, do not, and I mean do NOT call me with -chan."
He hissed.
"And no, I am not a virgin. I just don't bang anything that has chemicals on their faces, and sillicones in their chests."

Jay sighed.
"You gave me a scare there, man."

"Who was she, then, oh wise friend of mine."
Nick grinned.

"Yea, I don't think it's any of the girls from our school, or others, because if it was... they'd blab about it that Kamenashi Hayato banged them."
Riley nodded.

"Moreover, if you lost it to her."
Nick added.
"Was it her first time too?"

"It wasn't for her."
Hayato shook his head.
"She's not from anywhere here."

"Imaginary girl, Hayato?"
Jay scoffed.
"Dude, I'm your bestfriend, I would know these stuffs."

"Jay, shut up."
Hayato growled.
"She's Japanese."

Riley exclaimed.

"How'd you meet her??!"
Nick pushed his food away and leaned in.

"I didn't know that you know Japanese girls except my sister."
Jay frowned.

Hayato sipped his drink quitely.
Nick and Riley exchanged glances with each other.
The next thing that happened was Jay stood up abruptly and roared at the top of his lungs.


Both Nick and Riley held Jay back from attacking their friend.
Hayato on the other hand, just laughed.

"Son of a bitch!!! You're like her brother!!!!!!!"
Jay growled.

Hayato smirked.
"I didn't bang Rie, okay."


"That'll be incest, you dick!!!"
Hayato spat.
And so it will be with him too

"Then who??!!"

"She's someone you don't know!"
That's a lie, Jay. And I hope you never know this

Jay stopped struggling, and sat down with the two following him.
Nick and Riley apologizing to other people that are now staring at them.
But since they're known, it's okay.

"Who was she then?"
Jay frowned.

Hayato shrugged though his tone was hesitant on answering the name.

"How come I never know of her?"
Jay raised his brow.

"He's a friend of uncle Yamashita's daughter."
That's the biggest lie
"Don't tell any of my uncles, you hear me, especially my dad."
Hayato warned dangerously.
It hasn't even happened yet... I'm losing my mind

Jay chuckled.
"Here I thought you're a virgin or gay."

Nick and Riley nodded.

Bulls eye, guys... bulls eye
"My taste is high, unlike the three of you."
Hayato smirked.
"I like them older."

The three friends howled like a wolf.

"For real???"
Riley gaped.

"So Kazumi is older?"
Jay blinked.

Hayato nodded.

"You like them older???"
Nick shook his head.
"I never knew..."

"Well, you never asked."
Hayato winked.

"How old is this woman, then?"
Jay frowned.

Hayato got quite for a second.

"You like 'em older, so... how old is she?"
Nick gave him a light nudge.

"Kazumi's in her late 30s."
Hayato mumbled and looked away.

Riley winced.
"Ewww, that's just gross!!!"

Nick palmed his own face.
"She's old enough to be your mom."

"Yeah, and things are probably just hanging here and there on her body."
Riley nodded.
"Oh, geez... wrinkles!!!!!"

"Hayato, when you said older women, we think highly of you..."
Jay patted his shoulder.
"But we thought you meant... someone like in their 20s. You know... someone in their junior year of college."

Nick piped in.
"Not... someone who could be... your future step mother."

"You just don't understand."
Hayato shrugged.

"Dude... that woman might as well date your dad."
Nick shook his head.

"Yeah, they're both in their late 30s, right?"
Riley pointed.

"Besides, what's your dad going to say that his son is lusting girls WAY older than he is?"
Jay frowned.

Probably think that his son is a one sick bastard?

"Dude, she's old and... wrinkly! She might just be using you."
Nick spat.
"And, you are most desired in school, and almost every other girls from other schools wants you."

How can kazumi be using me for that? He raised me after all
Wrinkly? He's beautiful, you apes!

"Oh yeah... you always get in trouble after we have our games since the other team's cheerleaders would lay their eyes on you instead of their own home team..."
Jay chuckled.

"You're wrong."
Hayato shook his head.
"That person is... very beautiful inside and out."

Jay, Nick, and Riley stopped grinning and looked at Hayato's serious face.

"I know I'm younger, and it feels like that person should be the one protecting me, or whatever, but..."
He paused.
"I really do want to protect and always be there, no matter what."

They were silent for a few minutes untill Jay broke it.

"You're IN LOVE with that person???!"


Hayato tsked.
"No way."

"How long has this been going on?"
Riley frowned.

"And why didn't you tell us anything??!"
Jay exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up!"
Hayato banged the table.
"I don't know how or when, okay???! It just happened!!!"

The three gaped at their best friend's sudden out burst.

"Mind your own fucking business!"
He barked.

Riley pouted.
"Alright, man.. we got you... calm down."

(What am I doing?)

Jay trailed.
"Are we ever going to meet this older lover of yours?"

Haven't you already? Every time you idiots come over

"I don't know."
He mumbled.
"I gotta go."

"Hey, where are you going???!!!"
Jay followed suit.
"Don't you remember I told you we have that party at the girls' basket ball team's captain's place."

"Well, I can't make it."


"Leave him be, he's going to his older lov- Never mind."
Nick cleared his throat when his friend glared at him.

"I need to pick up my dad."
He hissed.
"You remember he left a week ago, and his plane will be here in another hour and a half."

"Oh... okay, okay."
Jay raised his hand in defeat.

"Catch you in practice tomorrow."
He eyed Jay.
"Fish boy and Bechkam wannabe, I'll see you later."

"Yeah! We're such good friends, you don't need to call us by our names, huh??!"
Nick shouted.

Hayato just kept on walking, ignoring his friends' complaints, and the admiring stares and squeals of delights that girls give him as he walks on.

"We've known him since we were back in 3rd grade, yet... we really don't, huh?"
Riley shook his head.

"Hayato likes to keep things to himself."
Jay replied.
"Even I don't know 90% of it, and I'm sure his dad doesn't either."

"He must be pressured or stressed about something."
Nick sighed.

The three of them continued on untill they had to go.

Hayato sighed and twirled his car keys in in index finger as he sat on the luggage cart.

Does this mean I'm sick? Not normal? Gay?

He ruffled his hair.

Out of all the guys, why does it have to be my own dad?

He snapped back to reality when he heard the intercom reproting his dad's flight has landed.
In about 10 minutes or so, he saw a man in his late 30s pulling his luggage and smiling at him.

How can he looks so beautiful for a 38 year old? A man at that fact

Hayato smiled and waved back at him.

"Welcome home!!!"
He exlaimed the moment the older man approached him.
"Did you bring me lots and lots of souvenirs???!"

The 18 year old literally flail his arms and bounce around him.

"What, did I say about speaking English?"
Kame frowned.

"But we're not at home..."
He pouted, still speaking in English.

Kame glared at him.

He sulked.
"Okaeri, tou-chan."

Kame chuckled and patted his son's head.
"Tadaima, J-"
He gasped.

The younger one blinked.

Kame nodded, his face went pale.
"Just... before, the passanger next to me reaks of ciggaretes, and bad cologne."

"Poor tou-chan..."
He took the luggage from his hand, and walked to a small store in the airport.
"Here, drink some water."

Kame nodded and took the bottle from his son.

"Tou-chan, stay, me car getting, far away parking."
Hayato frowned.

"Your Japanese is really awful."
Kame shook his head.

"Sor- Gomen nasai."
He sighed.
"Gambarimasu ore!!!!"

Hayato grinned and showed him a peace sign.

"Matte ne, tou-chan, I'll... get the car."
He nodded when he doesn't notice any mistake in his words.

Kame sighed and crouched down next to his luggage.
He's not Jin, Kazuya

He will never be Jin...
Nor will he ever replace him

I know he's not...
He closed his eyes.

"Tou-chan, let's go!"
Hayato jogged his way to him and took the luggage and loaded it to the car.

"Ah... no, my legs just tired."
Kame smiled.

"Then we'll go home, and I'll stop by somewhere and we'll have a take out."
Hayato stretched his hands towards him.

Kame smiled and slowly took his son's hand.

When he pulled him up, Kame stood only few inches away from the younger man.
He looked up at his soon, and saw that he's looking down at him.

I'm disgusting...
Hayato scold himself mentally.

Kame swallowed the lump in his throat.
But... how can I not think that it's not Jin when he is like the mirror image of my love?


Kame said softly.

"AH! Hai, let's go."
Hayato blinked and walked to the car.

Their hands still entwined till he had to let it go when Kame took the passanger's seat and he the driver's.

He's not like that...
Hayato tightened his grip on the streering wheel.
He loves her... I know he does... He still loves her after all
He pressed the gas a little more.
Why else won't he get married after all these years, Hayato?

He's Jin's son...
Kame looked out the window.
He's your son too
He closed his eyes.
He is not Jin...
A single tear drop trailed down his beautiful pale cheek.

Jin's gone


"Hayato, I'm going to bed early, okay?"
Kame smiled.

He nodded, as he flipped the channel, busying himself, trying to resist from looking at the older man.

"Inside the luggage is all for you from me, and your uncles."
Kame smiled.
"Enjoy, okay?"

He looked at him briefly and went back to flipping the channel.
"Tou-chan, oyasumi!"

Kame chuckled and shook his head.
"Oyasumi, Hayato."

And then he entered his room.

Hayato stare blankly at the tv, and looked at the closed door.
Slowly, he got up and walked towards it.
He touched the cold white surface of the door, his hand trailing down slowly.

He closed his eyes and rest his forehead on the door.
Kazuya wa... ore no... otou-san...

Kame walked to the room that is connected to his.
His office room, where he does all his work at home when there's too much at the office.

He walked to the cabinet and unlocked it.
Inside are the stuffs he locked away.
Memories of what he, Jin, and their friends used to have.

He framed the most memorable pictures, and put the rest neatly into an album, and stacked within the many albums in there.

Kame smiled as his finger tips browsed its way through KAT-TUN's singles and albums.

He saw some of the frame pictures of him and his lover, friends, and KAT-TUN.
Koki gave everyone the frame that has all their initials around it.
The gangsta designed it himself after Jin came back from his hiatus.

Despite his appearance, Koki is really caring about the group like his older boyfriend.
So he desgined the metal frame, with their initials on it all over, with different colors.
Looks like something you would give to an early teen for a christmas present, but, Kame really liked it.
They all did.

He smiled at the picture.
When the others put their recent pictures at the time, Kame didn't.
He raid his closet and searched for their chibi pictures.

There was an onsen trip he could never forget that the six of them took.

They were really young.

The picture was silly, but it was the six of them in the onsen, taking their bath, but they lined up and was washing each other's backs.
They've got some soaps and bubbles on their bodies.
Sitting on a bucket and little towels are the only materials that covers their private parts.

They were all laughing so hard at the time.
When the camera snapped the moment, all their mouths hanging.
But the photographers liked it, it was natural, and it showed that they're enjoying their silly times.

It wasn't on the order of KAT-TUN since Jin's up front, then him, Nakamaru, Taguchi, Ueda, Tanaka.
But the AK is still next to each other.
He smiled.

He took out the framed picture of Ryu and Hayato and he took a seat on his chair.

Kame leaned in and take the frame that placed on the corner of his desk.
Him and Hayato.

Two Hayatos, in different frame.

Different time.

Different person.


If one would see both frame, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two people on one frame wearing the school uniform, and the other frame with the same people, one holding a brithday cake for the smaller one.

It's the same people.
Only different outfits and settings.

Kame too wants it to be that way.
That the two frames in his hands, are the same Hayato, his lover portrayed.
Hayato, the fictional character along side his friend, Ryu, who he once portrayed.
The two Hayatos would be the same.

The two Hayatos should be the same person.
Jin, his lover.

He shook his head and put the picture of him and Hayato back into its original place on the table.

"Why did you leave me..."
He caressed the picture.

"I love you..."
He whispered.
"I miss you so... much."

His tears stained the glass.

He cried himself to sleep like he sometimes would when it's just too much for him.

18 years it had been.
He thought with him he'll be fine, and he'll stand strong, with him by his side.
And that he'd raise him just like the way they originally planned.

What he thought was hallucinations at first, is actually real.
No one believed it, but when they saw it with their own eyes, all they could do is look at him sympathetically.

He loves him dearly and yet...
The more he loves him, the more his heart aches.

*****************next chappie_little_sneak peak*****************

Kame rest his chin on his son's shoulder.
Hayato kept his strong but gentle grip on the older man's thigh, making sure he won't slip off and fall.


Kame heard the soft laugh.

He waited for his son to finish, but he knew why he couldn't.

"You can mix it up, Hayato, just don't get use to it, okay?."
He sighed.

Hayato nodded.

"Tou-chan... was she taller than you?"
He said softly.

Kame frowned.

"You know... the woman who gave birth to me?"
Hayato mixed both Japanese and English.

Kame laughed.
"That sounds so weird."

Hayato laughed along.

Kame said after sometime.
"No, she isn't."



Hayato took a deep breath.

"Did you... do you... love her?"

His heart pounded in his chest.
And he's sure the older man could hear it.
He just waited for the answer, whether it's something he wants to hear or not.

He stopped walking and turned his head back, looking for the older man.

He smiled.
"Oyasumi nasai, tou-chan..."

Hayato continued to walk back home.

Somehow, he felt happy.
His heart was pounding, but now... he felt just light, and contended.

He softly hums a tune that suddenly pops into his head.


He frowned.

"Huh... where's that song come from?"

He shrugged and continued to hum the song as it comes naturally.
Softly singing parts of the words, and if he's stuck, he would just hums it out as if it's natural.


He looked at the older man, and smiled lovingly.

minna!!!! wuah!!! gomen ne....
i don't know how this turns out...
how was it? is it okay?
feel free to express anything, ne.
also, i added few original characters here, (is it OC that u call it?) =P
and about where they resides in New York, the only place that is suitable for Kame is Manhattan after all. =P
Park Avenue is the most expensive one, Madison Avenue comes next. SoHo and the Village is still expensive, but for people who has money is cheaper. BUT SoHo and Village is where lots of Asian hangs out. there's a small area in the village we call it "Japanese Town" even though it's not official, like how it is with China town. lol. everyone has their own name for it, some call it (J-town) lol.
but, anyways, Hayato's friends are such players, nee? gomen nasai.
lol. i just have the image of boys like that.
high school boys right now are anything BUT innocent.
thankfully none of my friends are like that... *sigh in relief*
but, Hayato isn't a playboy, and yes... Hayato is a virgin... *shhh, don't tell anyone, ne?*
well, everyone, i don't want to ramble too much, so i'll leave it here, ne?
comments are highly appriciated. *bows*

*cookies for everyone*

p.s: i was referring to the pic of the 6 of them when they were in their chibi days, naked, lining up. i'm pretty sure they're in an onsen. i googled the pic, and i think it's in photobucket. so... me no own nothing. :)


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