(no subject)

Aug 19, 2004 12:57

I walk into the lounge. Yos’ television has been set up and he’s watching the Olympics.
What the hell is going on here? I ask.
Yos laughs. He says Matt set up the TV. I didn’t really want it but Matt said it would be good for the news.

I knock on Matt’s door.
‘Yos says you’ve got something to do with the TV being set up in the lounge?’
‘Yeah, he looked bored. The news is good.
‘But we won’t just watch the news. We’ll be watching all the shit. I thought you were into the no TV philosophy.
Yeah .. but .. well …
You’re like an ex junkie that just wants a last little hit. We can’t keep that - we’ll end up like every other TV baby.

As Yos watches someone hurl a shotput into the air, I say ‘It’s gotta go,’ and turn it off. Yos has a good artistic idea - a statement. We could have the TV in the corner, facing the walls.
I see him quickly plugging in the TV and turning it round at a critical point of boredom, but I lug it into the corner anyway.
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